English 410: 001 & 003
George Mason University
Fall 2008
In this assignment, you will present a short proposal for your final
research project.
The audience for this proposal is the instructor. The proposal can be
in a memo format (Fig 12.11), and should contain the following
- Statement of Problem: What is the issue you want to analyze? Why does it require analysis? If necessary, include a Background section to provide context.
- Scope: The
final project will be 10-15 pages and will be due in a few weeks
How will you limit your research to fit into this limit?
- Timeline:
This should at least a week-by-week level of detail. Certain
dates are already set (Progress Report due on July 15, for example).
- Possible sources: Be as specific as possible. List books,
articles, authors, websites. Don't simply say "the Library and the
Possible topics (or you may develop your own)
- GMU Campus construction: what is being planned? Why? What impact (on parking, for example)?
- Textbook
prices: How are textbook prices determined? Why did the textbook for
this class cost $5 more than the publisher's suggested retail
- Imminent
changes in your field of study / career: Professional fields are
changing rapidly as technology makes information easier to access and
harder to control. What changes do you see approaching?
Once the proposal is approved, you can begin the final

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