Chuxiong Wu

Ph.D. candidate
Department of Computer Science
George Mason Univeristy

Email: cwu27 at gmu dot edu

I am a Ph.D. candidate in the Computer Science Department at George Mason University, working under the guidance of Dr. Qiang Zeng. I earned my M.S. in Computer Science from the University of South Carolina and my B.E. in Electronic Information Engineering from Beihang University.

I am broadly interested in Systems Security, with a focus on cyber-physical systems (CPS) and artificial intelligence (AI) systems.

• CPS security: Authentication and pairing, smart environments, Internet of Things (IoT), mobile payment security.

• AI Security: Adversarial attacks and defenses, watermarking and content attribution, data privacy and security.


07/2024: I passed the dissertation proposal defense.

04/2024: Our paper on enhancing the security of QR code payment systems is accepted to USENIX Security'24.

04/2024: I served as a member of the Artifact Evaluation Committee for CCS'24.

03/2024: Our paper on authenticating drones using their noises is accepted to IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.

11/2023: I gave a talk on smart sensing enabled authentication at the University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire.

11/2023: I passed the comprehensive exam.

06/2023: Our paper on NLP-inspired binary analysis is accepted to USENIX Security'23.

08/2022: I earned my M.S. in Computer Science from the University of South Carolina.

07/2022: Our paper on building an implicit authentication system for everyday objects is accepted to UbiComp'22.

06/2022: Our paper on drone authentication through a smile is accepted to MobiCom'22.

03/2022: Our work that builds the first secure and usable drone authentication system is accepted to MobiSys'22.


Security 2024 "Do You See How I Pose? Using Poses as an Implicit Authentication Factor for QR Code Payment."
Chuxiong Wu, and Qiang Zeng.
The 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), 2024.
>> [PDF]
TMC 2024 "Turning Noises to Fingerprint-Free 'Credentials': Secure and Usable Drone Authentication."
Chuxiong Wu, and Qiang Zeng.
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), 2024.
>> [PDF]
Security 2023 "Can a Deep Learning Model for One Architecture Be Used for Others? Retargeted-Architecture Binary Code Analysis."
Junzhe Wang, Matthew Sharp, Chuxiong Wu, Qiang Zeng, and Lannan Luo.
The 32nd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security), 2023.
>> [PDF]
UbiComp 2022 "`Use It—No Need to Shake It!' Accurate Implicit Authentication for Everyday Objects with Smart Sensing."
Chuxiong Wu*, Xiaopeng Li*, Fei Zuo, Lannan Luo, Xiaojiang Du, Jia Di, and Qiang Zeng.
Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, Issue 3, Vol. 5 (UbiComp), 2022. (* Co-first Authors)
>> [PDF]
MobiCom 2022 "Authentication for Drone Delivery Through a Novel Way of Using Face Biometrics."
Jonathan Sharp, Chuxiong Wu, and Qiang Zeng.
The 28th Annual International Conference On Mobile Computing And Networking (MobiCom), 2022.
>> [PDF]
MobiSys 2022 "G2Auth: Secure Mutual Authentication for Drone Delivery Without Special User-Side Hardware."
Chuxiong Wu, Xiaopeng Li, Lannan Luo, and Qiang Zeng.
The 20th ACM International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services (MobiSys), 2022.
>> [PDF]


I served as the Graduate Teaching Assistant for CS471, Operating Systems, in Spring 2023.

I served as the Graduate Staff Assistant for South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics in Summer 2021.

I served as the Graduate Instructional Assistant for CSCE145, Algorithmic Design I, in Fall 2019.

Many thanks to Vasilios Mavroudis for providing the template!