Quiz component of your grade
- There will be either 0, 1, or 2 quizzes each class meeting.
- There will be at least 10 quizzes in all.
- Quizzes may be given at any time during class meetings:
- possibly right at 7:20 (so don't be late for class);
- possibly right before or right after we take a break (so don't be
late getting back from the break --- you'll be safe if you're back by 10
minutes after the time the break started);
- possibly at the end of class.
- You won't need one every time, but I suggest that you bring a
simple scientific calculator (all you need is one that will do
arithmetic, powers/roots, natural logs and exponentiation)
with you for the quizzes.
- I'll drop the 2 or 3 lowest quiz scores for each student, and
average the rest of the grades to get your quiz contribution to your
overall score for the class.
Missed quizzes cannot be taken at a later (or earlier) time.
All quizzes will be open books and notes.