Information Pertaining to the Final Exam
The official exam period is 7:30-10:15 PM on Tuesday, May 9.
You are expected to take the exam during the official time slot.
Exceptions to this policy will rarely be made.
(Note: The official time slot for the exam may be changed.
For example, if there are too many class cancelations due to bad
weather, or for any other reason, the Provost may alter the exam
schedule. During the spring semester, when weather is often a problem,
it may be unwise to plan to be out of the area until a week after the
time originally scheduled for the final exam.)
The exam is an open books and open notes exam.
You can use whatever printed or written material that you bring with you
to the exam. You cannot share books or notes during the exam.
You can use a calculator and/or computer during the exam if you wish to.
(Some may wish to use software such as Maple or Mathematica.)
you cannot connect to the internet, or communicate in any way with
another party.
Extra Office Hours
In addition to my regularly scheduled office hours, I'll hold the
following extra office hours in Robinson A248 (not our usual classroom)
during the weekend before the exam:
- Saturday, May 6, 2:00-4:00 PM;
- Sunday, May 7, 7:00-9:00 PM.
Description of the Exam
The exam has 17 parts to it, but by reorganizing and combining the parts of it
I could have reduced it to about 11 or 12 parts. (E.g., instead of asking for
an MLE, a CRLB, and an asymptotic confidence interval in three separate
parts, I could have just asked for the asymptotic confidence interval.
But by doing it the way I did, I'll be getting you to organize your work
in a way that will benefit your partial credit if you get something
wrong. Plus, it could be that the CRLB and the MLE will be useful for
obtaining answers to other parts of the exam besides the asymptotic
confidence interval.) If you find that you need the answer to a
previous part to arrive at the answer for another part, and you weren't
able to get the answer to the previous part, or you are worried that you
got it wrong, then be sure to indicate that you know that you should be
using the answer from a previous part in your solution. (E.g., if you
need the MLE from part (b) to answer part (j), then in your solution to
part (j) use the hat notation to indicate where the estimator goes, and
go through the derivation of the confidence interval using theta
hat (or tau(theta) hat) along the way.
If at the final step you want to plug in an
unsure guess as to what the needed MLE is, then do so --- if it's wrong,
then I can look at the line just above your final answer to perhaps see that
you had everything else right.)
- The first problem has 12 parts to it, all pertaining to the same
one-parameter exponential family distribution.
Each part is worth 5 points, and I'll count your best 10 of 12 scores.
- Part (a) requests a relatively straightforward MME.
- Part (b) requests a relatively straightforward MLE.
- Part (c) requests an expected value which should be
helpful in
answering part (d).
- Part (d) requests a relatively straightforward UMVUE.
- Part (e) requests a CRLB.
- Part (f) requests a different CRLB.
- Part (g) requests a MSE.
- Part (h) requests a variance.
- Part (i) requests a p-value.
(Note: This need not be a one-sided UMP test. It could be a MP
test (related to N-P lemma), or it could be a two-sided GLR test. I
could want an exact p-value, or I may be content with an approximate
p-value resulting from the use of an asymptotic method. (At this point
I know exactly what is being requested, but I'm not telling --- I want
you to study all of the different types of tests, and be prepared to
obtain both exact and asymptotic p-values.))
- Part (j) requests an asymptotic confidence
- Part (k) requests an exact confidence
- Part (l) requests a MLE.
- The second problem has 2 parts to it, both pertaining to the same
hypothesis testing situation. (Hints: It will be a setting where the N-P lemma can be used.
I will want the critical function for an exact randomized test. It will be a small sample situation with which it
may be best to just consider (by listing the possibilities)
the likelihood ratio for each possible outcome which can be observed.)
- Part (a), worth 20 points, requests a critical function.
- Part (b), worth 5 points, requests a power value.
- The third problem has 2 parts to it, both pertaining to the same
hypothesis testing situation.
- Part (a), worth 20 points, requests that you determine (and justify your reply)
whether or not a null hypothesis can be rejected in favor of an alternative with an approximate (hint!)
- Part (b), worth 5 points, requests an exact p-value.
- The fourth problem is worth 25 points, and requests a MLE.
Note: I will count your best two of three totals from Problems 2, 3, and 4, to make this a 100 point exam.
(Problem 1 is worth 50 points.) You can skip some of the confidence interval and hypothesis testing parts that I
covered at the end of the semester and still get a score of 100. In fact, you can get a score of 70 just using
results that were covered in the class notes prior to when we got to Pitman estimators. (Note that Pitman estimators
and Bayes estimators are not covered at all on the exam.) Of course, to get an A for the course, a score of 70 will
not be sufficient, and you'll need to be able to do some of the material covered towards the end of the course.
But to get a B for the course, a score of 70 will be adequate.
Although the usefulness of
some of the topics that I have suggested that you study may not
be apparent from the above description of the exam, it could be that
you'll find things not explicitly referred to above useful in arriving
at the desired answers.
What to Study
In class I said that with
regard to point estimation methods, the exam will cover MMEs, MLEs, and
UMVUEs, but not Bayesian and Pitman estimators. MLEs will be
espeicially important. (Note: To determine a GLR test, you need to be
able to find an MLE or several MLEs.)
With regard to confidence intervals, you should be able to find
asymptotic confidence intervals based on asymptotically normal MLEs.
(Part (b) of Problem 2 on HW #6 pertains to an asymptotic
you should be able to find exact confidence intervals using the pair of
related results on pages F-14 and F-15 of the class notes.
(Part (a) of Problem 2 on HW #6 can be done this way.)
Hypothesis testing will be emphasized on the final exam since it was not
emphasized on the homework (because many of the important methods are
only covered during the last class period (one week prior to the
Below are detailed guidelines pertaining to what you should know in
order to do well on the exam. Although I explicitly refer to some
specific topics that you can ignore, you can also take the lack of
information about any topic to mean that it's not something that is
emphasized on the exam.
- Sufficient Statistics: Although I won't have you identify a
sufficient statistics as one of the parts of the exam, knowing something
about sufficient statistics may prove to be useful.
Both MLEs and UMVUEs
should depend on the observable random variables only through sufficient
statistics (and the same is true of some test statistics and confidence
interval endpoints (as is suggested by the sufficiency principle on
p. C-11)). More specifically, an mle should depend on the data only
through the value of a minimal sufficient statistic (if one exisits),
and a umvue should depend on the data only through the value of a
complete sufficient statistic. (The theorem on p. D-25 covers part of
this, but it doesn't state that it should be a minimal sufficient
statistic, if one exists.) While establishing minimal sufficiency
and completeness directly can be very difficult (and I won't expect you to do
anything like this for the exam), in the nice case of one-parameter
exponential family (see p. C-15 and the top of p. C-16 for the basics of
one-parameter exponential families) it is often quite easy to identify
that a statistic is a complete minimal sufficient statistic (see the top
part of p. C-16 and also see the important theorem on p. E-36).
- Useful Theorem on p. C-18: The theorem gives three results,
but I don't expect that you'll have to do anything with mgf's on the
exam, so the results pertaining to the mean and variance of the natural
sufficient statistic are the ones I want you to be able to use (although
you won't necessarily have to use these on the exam --- you could obtain
the same information
by going another route). Note that in some cases it
is necessary to reparameterize to natural form by replacing
c(theta) by eta. But if when you identify
c(theta) T(x) you see that
c(theta) is just equal to
theta, then you simply apply the results with
theta in the role of
d(theta) (a term in the usual exponential family form) in the role of
d0(eta). In such a case, getting the mean and
variance of
is often a lot less messy than what is the case for the example on p.
C-18 and p. C-19.
- Consistent Estimators: All of the estimators based on a
sample of size n that you will be asked to find on the exam will
be consistent, which means that they converge to the estimand. (See the
definition on p. D-4, and recall that it extends to estimators of
functions of theta. For example, a consistent estimator of
exp(theta) converges in probability to
- Method of Moments Estimators (MMEs):
- The example which
begins on p. D-11 and ends on p. D-12 is a good one. It shows the form
I like to see for a solution when I request an MME based on the first
sample moment: (1) express
m1 = E(Xi) as a function of the unknown
parameter; (2) solve for the parameter, putting it as a function of the
distribution mean; (3) simply replace the distribution mean by the
sample mean to obtain the MME.
- Properties of MMEs are covered somewhat near the top of p. D-12. One
can often use the invariance property to find the MME of some function
of the unknown parameter. For example, if I have solved to put theta
= g(m1), where g is some suitable function, then
I can write that 1/theta
= 1/g(m1), and obtain the MME of 1/theta by
m1 by the sample mean.
- In the usual case of a MME
being consistent, the consistency follows from the law of large numbers:
the sample mean converges to the true mean (and this gives us that the
estimator coverges to the estimand). Note on the bottom line of p. D-12
that the law of large numbers can be applied to the
Xi2: the sample mean of the
Xi2 converges to
(As an aside, it's also true that we have results such as
the sample mean of the
exp(Xi) converging to
- Maximum Likelihood Estimators (MLEs):
- The equation near the
middle of p. D-16 defines mles. (Note that an mle must belong to the
parameter space.)
- The invariance property of mles is given near the
bottom of p. D-18. The two examples on p. D-19 and p. D-20 are good ones
--- note that in the part of the first example that is on p. D-20, the
log-likelihood is worked with, and to me this seems easier than working
with the likelihood function directly, as is done on p. D-19. Also note
that in the part of the first example that is on p. D-20, the 2nd
derivative is used to confirm that the solution obtained when setting
the derivative of the log-likelihood to 0 is a maximizing value of the
log-likelihood. (On the exam, like on the HW, I want you to confirm
that what you claim is the maximizing value is in fact the maximizing
value --- second derviatives can often be useful for this, but others methods
can also be used.)
- The two examples that begin on p. D-22 are good ones.
- On the exam I
won't have you find an MLE when there is more than one unknown parameter,
and so for now you can not worry about the example that begins on p.
- The example at the top of p. D-25 is a good one --- it serves as a
reminder that sometimes an mle doesn't exist.
- Some may find the theorem on p. D-25 to be useful, but one can find
MLEs without using this theorem. An application of the theorem is given
in the example on p. D-26.
- Mean Squared Error (MSE): The risk associated with the
squared-error loss function, expressed near the middle of p. E-6, is
referred to as the MSE. The last displayed equation on p. E-6 expresses
the MSE of an estimator as being equal to the sum of its variance and
the square of it's bias. (For unbiased estimators, the MSE is equal to
the variance.)
- Uniform Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimators (UMVUEs):
- For the exam I won't expect you to use the Rao-Blackwellization
approach covered on p. E-30 through p. E-33. Also, you don't have to
worry about the definition of completeness and the related examples
covered on p. E-34 through p. E-36.
- You should refer to the Lehmann-Scheffe theorem (see p. E-37) when
that an estimator is a UMVUE. Basically, to apply the theorem, you need
to show that an estimator is an unbiased estimator having finite
variance, and that the estimator depends on the observable random
variables only through a complete sufficient statistic. Typically (and
on the exam you can do it this way) you can use the theorem on p. E-36
to establish that a certain statistic is a complete sufficient statistic
(but to do this you need to put the joint pmf or joint pdf in
exponential family form, or refer back to a previous part of the exam
where you did this). A key step is to establish that your candidate is
in fact an unbiased estimator. Really, one should also show that the
candidate has finite variance, but on the exam I'll let you skip that
step (since for the Spring 2004 exam you will be asked to give the MSE
of the UMVUE, and if the MSE is finite, the variance will of course be
- Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB):
- Don't worry about the regularity conditions on p. E-45, other than
to note that typically if you have a one-parameter exponential family,
then the Proposition on p. E-46 will give you that the conditions hold,
and that the Fisher information number (see p. E-46, and also the
alternative way to determine I(theta) given near the top of p.
E-47) will exist.
- Note that the lower bound given on the right-hand side of the
inequality in the theorem on p. E-47 is the CRLB. When the estimand is
just theta, the special case for the CRLB is given on p. E-48.
Also, on p. E-48, one can see that
I(theta) can be expressed as n times the information
contained in one observation.
- The example on p. E-50 is a good one.
- The result given in the sentence that begins at the bottom of p.
E-52 and concludes at the top of p. E-53 is sometimes useful. It gives
us when we have the CRLB achieved by the UMVUE.
(If the UMVUE is a linear function of the natural minimal sufficient
T(x), or equivalently, if the estimand is a linear
function of
E[T(x)], the UMVUE will achieve the CRLB. Also, in such
cases, the UMVUE will be the same as the MLE.)
If the CRLB is
achieved, then if we want the variance of the UMVUE we can determine the
CRLB instead of obtaining the variance some other way.
- As with MLEs, for UMVUEs I won't have you deal with multiparameter
models on the exam (and so you can skip studying the multiparameter
material on p. E-57 and p. E-58).
- Asymptotic Results for Point Estimators:
For the exam, don't be concerned with the multiparameter results for
MLEs, and don't be concerned with the results for frequency substitution
estimators and MMEs. Just focus on the fact that MLEs obtained by
setting the derivative of the likelihood (or log-likelihood) to 0 are
asymptotically normal, and that the estimand can be used as the
asymptotic mean, and the CRLB as the asymptotic variance. (You don't
have to worry about the sketch of the proof given on p. E-77 and p.
E-78.) So, for the exam, you don't have to be concerned about the vast
majority of p. E-69 through p. E-80. It's just the one key result
pertaining to MLEs that I want you to know. I'll refer to the use of
this result in my comments below pertaining to Section F, and if you
can use the asymptotic normality of MLEs to obtain asymptotic confidence
intervals as described in Section F, that will be all you need to know
how to do with this asymptotic material for the exam.
- Confidence Intervals:
- If I request an exact confidence interval on the exam, it
can be obtained by using either the result at the very top of p. F-14 or
the related result near the top of p. F-15. A good example is given on
p. F-15.
- The use of a properly standardized MLE as an approximate pivot as
is shown in the very good example on p. F-19 is important. The Wilson
interval given in the example at the top of p. F-20 can be obtained by
the same general method, but the deails are much messier. (On the exam
I will give you something more along the lines of the example on p.
F-19.) The Wald interval for a Bernoulli parameter, derived in the example
on the bottom of p.
F-21, makes use of the same general method, but also incorporates
the use of Slutsky's theorem (see p. B-19).
(You might be expected to do something
similar on the exam. (I know if you will or you won't, but I'm not telling.))
- Basics of Hypothesis Testing:
The size of a test (top line on p. G-6), power of a test against a
particular alternative (p. G-8), and the p-value (p. G-9) are all
important concepts. I recommend getting comfortable with the basic
definitions, and then test your understanding by being able to determine
values for size, power, and p-value in specific situations, like those
covered in the supplemental handout pertaining to hypothesis testing examples.
Critical functions are introduced on p. H-4, as are randomized
tests. You should try to understand everything on p. H-4 through p.
H-6. UMP (uniformly most powerful) tests are defined on p. H-7.
- Neyman-Pearson Lemma:
- P. H-1 gives us that the simple likelihood ratio test (top
portion of p. H-1) is the MP test when both hypotheses are simple.
- The
example on p. H-2 is a good one --- I show how to obtain the power of a
size 0.05 test against a particular alternative, and you should also be
able to write down the critical function of a size alpha test,
and obtain the p-value given a specific sample of observed values.
- The example on p. H-3 is also good --- I show how to determine the size
corresponding to two different rejection regions, and in class I
explained how to get a p-value given a particular observed sample.
- P. H-22 and p. H-23 cover the asymptotic theory. (Note:
My last lecture simplifies the presentation of this material.
In particular, I stress that because of a
result given about 30% of the way down on p. H-23, we can obtain the
asymptotic p-value by determing the probability mass in some upper-tail
region of a standard normal distribution. It should be noted that
if you're dealing with a one-parameter exponential family,
it's often a lot easier to base a z-score on the natural minimal
sufficient statistic, T(x), than it is to base it on the
likelihood ratio pieces.)
- The more general version of the N-P lemma is given on p. H-6.
- UMP Tests Pertaining to One-parameter Exponential Families:
- The theorem on p. H-8 is important, as are the examples on p. H-9 and p.
H-10. The extension of the theorem given on the bottom portion of p.
H-10 is very important. (Using it eliminates the need to do anything
awkward like what is done in the middle portion of p. H-10.)
- The key asymptotic results are given about 60% down the page on p.
My last lecture simplifies the presentation of this material.)
- Other Monotone Likelihood Ratio Tests:
The definition and theorem given on p. H-11 are important, as are the
examples given on p. H-11 and p. H-12.
- Generalized Likelihood Ratio (GLR) Tests:
- Two versions to the generalized likelihood ratio are given on p. H-13.
The first one is often the choice if the parameter space is discrete,
while the second version is almost always the choice if the parameter
space is an interval.
- The example on p. H-14 is a good one. For a relatively simple
setting like that, I could expect you to simplify the ratio and
determine an equivalent statistic that has a nice null sampling distribution
which could be used to determine critical functions and p-values.
- The example on p. H-16 to H-18 becomes too complicated to be a good
model for an exam problem. At most I would expect you to obtain the
form of lambda given about half way down on p. H-16, and then
perhaps apply the important asympotic result presented on p. H-25
to it. (In fact, during the last lecture I plan to skip the example on
p. H-25 and p. H-26, and revisit the example on p. H-16 to demonstate
how to apply the asymptotic result for GLR tests.)
- The example that starts on p. H-18 and ends on p. H-21 is too messy
to be a good model for an exam problem. (I usually skip presenting this
example in class because it takes up too much time.)
Homework Problems to Review
The 9 parts/problems in bold type are particularly good to understand.
Some of the problems from HW #6 are also quite good, but since you won't get
feedback from me about those prior to the exam, for the confidence
interval and hypothesis testing material, it might be better to study
examples for which I've already supplied you with the answers (but of course I did supply you with some checks on HW
#6). The other parts/problems are of lesser importance.
(Note: I strongly advise that you study the problems on the HYPOTHESIS TESTING
EXAMPLES handout.)
- HW #2
- 1(a), 1(b), 1(d), 2(a), 2(b), 3
- HW #4
- 1(a), 1(b), 1(c), 1(d), 1(e)
- HW #5
- 1(a), 1(b)
- HW #6
- 2(a), 2(b), 2(c), 2(d), 3, 4