A Note about the Cost of the Class Notes
The cost of the class notes in the bookstore is about $40 for 323 pages.
(I'll give you the first 56 pages for free, and also supply you with
some supplementary material (like homework problems, but also appendix
material for the notes) later on in the semester.) It used to be that I
was able to make the copies at the copy shop place here on campus, and
sell them to the students for less than 4 cents a page. Now, since the
prices charged by the copy people have gone up, it would be more, but
still less than 5 cents a page ... if I was allowed to do like I did in
the past.
The way it works now is that I'm required to sell them through the
bookstore at over 12 cents a page (over 24 cents per sheet). Neither I
nor my department is making any money off of the notes, but obviously
someone is (since I could give them to you for under 5 cents a page if I
was allowed to do so).