The structure plane helps to identify what the final product will be. This plane helps to develop a structure of the site. It uses interaction desgin and information architecture to establish its structure. Interaction desgin is how the user will respond to the desgin and how the website will support their behavior. For example, error handling. When building a website, errors are the most common project desgin flaw. Information architecture deals with structure that was chosen to easily convey information to the user. The structure of the content is very improtant for the architecture of the website. There are two ways to structure a website, top-down architecture and bottom-up architecture. Top down architecture deals with product objectives and user needs. It uses a hierachy of categories to enact as a "shell" where the content will be inserted. The bottom up architecture is based on grouping contents in lower structural categories to higher structral categories. The structure plane effects the users expierence and meets their needs.