Cheng-Kang Ted Chao 趙城綱
cchao8 [AT] gmu [DOT] edu
I am a fifth-year Ph.D. student in Computer Science at George Mason University, working in CraGL under the guidance of Yotam Gingold. I received my M.S. in Computational Science and Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2020, where I was advised by Edmond Chow, and my B.S. in Mathematics from National Central University, Taiwan, in 2018.
Throughout my PhD, I spent two summers (2021 and 2024) as a research intern at Adobe Research, working with Jose Echevarria on color lookup table compression for efficient color style transfer (2021), and with Li-Yi Wei and Rubaiat Habib Kazi on vector animation for fluid simulations (2024). I also spent one summer (2023) at Tencent Pixel Lab as an applied research intern, working with Ran Zhang and Changxi Zheng on editing implicit neural fields.
I focus on developing efficient algorithms for intuitive manipulation for digital content, particularly in the domains of image and 3D scene processing. My research leverages sparse optimization, numerical linear algebra, and perceptual models to enable expressive, controllable, and computationally tractable editing workflows.
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May |
2024 |
Started my internship at Adobe Research (San Jose) working with Li-Yi Wei and Rubaiat Habib Kazi.
Aug |
2023 |
Presented our work "ColorfulCurves: Palette-Aware Lightness Control and Color Editing via Sparse Optimization" at SIGGRAPH 2023 in Los Angeles.
June |
2023 |
Presented our work "LoCoPalettes: Local Control for Palette-based Image Editing" at EGSR 2023 in TU Delft.
June |
2023 |
Started my internship at Tencent Pixel Lab (New York) working with Ran Zhang and Changxi Zheng.
April |
2023 |
Passed my Ph.D. comprehensive exams 🎉.
May |
2023 |
Attended and gave a talk at Capital Graphics 2023.
May |
2022 |
Passed my Ph.D. qualifying exams 🎉.
June |
2021 |
Presented our work "PosterChild: Blend‐Aware Artistic Posterization" at EGSR 2021 (virtual).
May |
2021 |
Started my internship at Adobe Research (virtual) working with Jose Echevarria.
Aug |
2020 |
Started my Ph.D. at CraGL, George Mason University working with Yotam Gingold 🎉.
Non-photorealistic rendering
ColorfulCurves: Palette-Aware Lightness Control and Color Editing via Sparse Optimization
Cheng-Kang Ted Chao,
Jason Klein,
Jianchao Tan,
Jose Echevarria,
Yotam Gingold
[SIGGRAPH North America 2023] Also in ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 42(4).
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demo video |
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LoCoPalettes: Local Control for Palette-based Image Editing
Cheng-Kang Ted Chao,
Jason Klein,
Jianchao Tan,
Jose Echevarria,
Yotam Gingold
[EGSR 2023] Also in Computer Graphics Forum (CGF) 42(4).
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demo video |
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Text-guided Image-and-Shape Editing and Generation: A Short Survey
Cheng-Kang Ted Chao,
Yotam Gingold
[arXiv 2023]
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PosterChild: Blend‐Aware Artistic Posterization
Cheng-Kang Ted Chao,
Karan Singh,
Yotam Gingold
[CGF 2021] Special issue for Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR) 2021.
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presentation |
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Conference Reviewer
SIGGRAPH North America, SIGGRAPH Asia, Eurographics, EGSR, Pacific Graphics
Journal Reviewer
ACM Transactions on Graphics, Computer & Graphics, Scientific Reports, The Visual Computer
Graphics Replicability Stamp Initiative (GRSI)
I enjoy taking photos. Check out my instagram for more.
Template adapted from 1, 2, and 3.