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Data Analysis on Airline Passenger Satisfaction


In the high-stakes arena of the aviation industry, passenger satisfaction transcends mere sentiment; it's a strategic imperative. With fierce competition over a largely commoditized product (seats on planes), airlines must differentiate themselves not just on price and destinations, but on the quality of the passenger experience. Exceeding expectations, not just meeting them, is the key to retaining loyal customers and attracting new ones through coveted word-of-mouth recommendations and positive online reviews. This is where a deep understanding of passenger satisfaction becomes mission-critical. By analyzing data, airlines can uncover actionable insights to identify areas for improvement, streamline services, and elevate the entire journey.

Project Proposal

Project Proposal


Milestone 1

Milestone 2

Presentation and Seminar

Final Presentation

Tableau Seminar

Final Research Paper

Final Research Paper

Group 2

Nikita Chawla (

Christian Appiah (

Suyog Patagave (