**Presidential Inauguration/First Days of 120**

    The Presidential Inauguration was the first official day of learning for NCLC 120. It was an exciting day because I wasn’t sure what the class was about and I was curious to see how I going to learn about science while watching history. However, after listening to President Barack Obama’s speech I felt that he truly thought about the changes he was going to make for our country. I felt that within the next four years our country and its citizens will experiences changes in the best interest of all of us.  And I was surprised to see how much President Obama mentioned science related topics in his speech. Personally the most important science related topics that Obama spoke about were global warming and the upcoming technological advances. I loved how he said that we should not have to apologize for our way of life; however we are going to do the best that we can to fix the environmental issues. And finally when he spoke about the upcoming technology for the military and schools, I see how the country will continue to move forward in our defense and education of the upcoming generations. 

    This day stressed on the competencies of  critical thinking, valuing, and effective citizenship. Although this class is not intended to stress valuing and effective citizenship, watching President Obama speak about doing our part to help create a cleaner and safer environment  to promote health  in my opinion  hit  some of the key concepts of the class.  I expected this course to cover nothing more than math and science topics in a hands-on manner. My biggest fear for the class was the actual “math” portion of the class because numbers and I just did not get along at all!  The anticipation for the class to actually began continued not only as I watched the speech but throughout the entire week. I was excited about learning new things about our environment as well as seeing how math and science connected in the course.  But I was most excited about the field trips we were going to take, and all of the new knowledge I would obtain from it.