'Twas an evening when ... ghosts at the Ramsey House
photo by J.M. Ryan




The Secret Life of a History Ph.D. Student

From time to time, especially in October, you will find me walking the streets of Old Town Alexandria, appearing almost as if I had stepped out of the 18th century. I am one of the ghost tour guides leading folks though town telling spooky tales, legends, and folklore in 18th century attire.

At other times I volunteer as one of the “chicken ladies” at the Claude Moore Colonial Farm 18th Century Market Fair, preparing chickens for roasting over the open fire.

And it times past I’ve been known to “dress out” in silk gown & hooped petticoat to attend an 18th century styled ball or do a character interpretation.

These last two activities are a result of my 1998 M.A. thesis work, “In the Kitchen: Understanding 18th century women's daily lives through living history” at Georgetown University.