Historical communities online: 18th century woman's list


The 18th century woman's list is composed of individuals interested in the study of 18th century women. Most members are history enthusiasts and reenactors, although there is also a fair representation of professionals from the historic costuming world and the museum world, especially affiliated with local history museums, but also some of the larger historic sites. Most are women, although a few postings from men were found among the archives too. The members are spread geographically, with most in the United States, but some in Canada and England as well. They number between 800 and 900 individuals. Some of the members know each other only virtually, while others know each other in the physical world as well.


The list is a broad discussion of issues related to 18th century women's history. There are two main themes that seem to predominate in the discussion: what can we know about women in the 18th century based on extant records and material culture artifacts, and how can we reproduce, as accurately as possible, those artifacts in an effort to understand and portray what 18th century women's lives were like. A large portion of these threads discuss issues of appearance, such as clothing, jewelry, and hair. Another, smaller, portion of the posts discuss cooking related issues, such as ingredients, methods, and receipts (recipes). Other posts reflect an interest in social customs and methods of studying history.

Purpose to online community?

The community allows individuals with a common interest to share their research and knowledge, ask questions, and extend their networks. There seems to be a genuine sense of community among many of the members, at least those that post frequently. Just as in a traditional community, there are members with higher stature/standing, based on their accuracy record for information they provide on the list, and the quality of their research. Some members, noted authorities in their field, take a less active role. When they do decide to weigh in on an issue of particular interest, their insights add significantly to the discussion.

As a part of the give and take between the virtual community of the list, and the community in the physical world, some issues that became "hot" topics of discussion on the list prompted workshops and sessions at annual symposia. One example is the discussion of women's jackets which lead to special session(s) at the annual Gadsby's Tavern Museum Costume Symposium.