With the HTML Markup Validator it seems my web pages for Module 5 contained 4 errors.
character encoding is not declared.I will fix this by adding the metadata in my html code pages.
on line 16, 19, 22 the element div cannot be a child element of the ul element.. I will fix this by re-organizing my div mark-up.
With the CSS Markup Validator there were 3 errors found as follows:
width has too many values not recognized.I fixed this issue by leaving no empty space between the value number and the unit (px): 960px with no space in between.
padding 0 can be a length.I will fix this error by fixing the empty space left between the number and unit, same situation as above.
margin 0 can be a length.I will fix this error by fixing the empty space left between the number and unit, same situation as above.
In regards to the accessibility ratingsmeasured by WAVEthere were no errors, alerts or contrast errors found.
WAVE found some inconsistency with 5 structural elements which are the headings. With my web page I differentiated between headings of paragraphs of columns inside boxes versus the main and first header of the page, which stands as title of web page. I kept my headings for columns almost same size for visual effect, although WAVE found inconsistency as the headings might come in a pre-structured, descending- in-size order.