
Thursdays, 7:20 – 10 pm. Innovation Hall 205

Professor Zachary M. Schrag
Robinson B 375C. Tel. 703/993-1257
E-mail: zschrag (at) (please include “615” in subject header)
Office Hours: Mondays 2:15 – 4:15 pm and by appointment

Professor Schrag's website:
Professor Schrag's courses:

Syllabus updated: January 14, 2005 (PDF)

Since the creation of the United States, Americans have used technology not only to solve problems, make money, and have fun, but also to define themselves as individuals, as groups, and as a nation. This course will explore the relationship between tools and identity, using a broad definition of identity that includes questions of nation, region, labor, class, gender, and consumption. In doing so, it will also introduce students to some of the key methods, sources, and ideas used by historians of technology.

Except where noted otherwise, all original material on this site is copyright © 2005 Zachary M. Schrag. It may be used for non-commercial personal and educational purposes provided it is attributed to Zachary M. Schrag.