Organize your community. If you live in an apartment
complex, this is more easily done than if you are in a townhouse
development or a single-family dwelling. But there are obvious
segmentations and organization-units all around you. Look for
the most accessible. Apartment-dwellers can use their rental
office as central organization office. Distribution of goods
and services can be handled there. Agreement on rental waivers
and mutual-survival guidelines should be in written form and voted
on democratically by the renters. An owners association is an
ideal starting place for Townhouse-dwellers. One unit can be
designated for food storage and/or an arsenal. Guard duty and
weapon procurement can be voted on by the Association Members.
Since this about survival for an extended period of time, renters
should be given full voting rights.
Figure out who your governmental representatives are.
Get maps that illustrate locations of local
nuclear facilities, chemical plants, and factories.