Unofficial Transcript

Higher Education Institutions

George Mason University

Cornell University:Endowed / Degree:Master of Engineering 01/1997

George Mason University / Degree: Bechelor of Science

Degrees Awarded

Bachelor of Science 05/21/1994

School of Information Technology & Engineering

Honors: With Distinction / Major: Computer Science

Cum GPA: 3.658

1999 Fall

EDIT772 (2) Web-based Instruct Tools [A]

EDSE22 (3) Augmentative Communication [A]

Current GPA: 4.00 Cumulative GPA: 4.00
2000 Spring

EDRS 810 (3) Prob/Mthds Educ Research [A]

EDSE 669 (3) Transdisc Appro to Rehab [A]

Current GPA: 4.00 Cumulative GPA: 4.00
2000 Summer

EDIT525 (2) Software with Special Needs [A]

EDSE523 (2) Access/Input Modification [A]

Current GPA: 4.00 Cumulative GPA: 4.00
2000 Fall

EDRS812 (3) Qualitative Research [A]

EDUC802 (3) Leadership Seminar [A]

EDUC805 (1) Doctoral Seminar [A]

Current GPA: 4.00 Cumulative GPA: 4.00
2001 Spring

EDSE522 (2) Technology with Sensory Impar [A]

EDSE649 (3) Adv Clin PsychoEd Assess [A]

EDUC800 (3) Ways of Knowing [A]

EDUC805 (1) Doctoral Seminar [A]

Current GPA: 4.00 Cumulative GPA: 4.00
2001 Summer

EDUC897 (3) Independent Study [A]

EDUC994 (3) Adv Internship Education [A]

Current GPA: 4.00 Cumulative GPA: 4.00
2001 Fall

EDRS811 (3) Quantitative Research [A]

EDSE528 (1) Low-Tech AT Solution [A]

EDSE665 (3) Colla / Family Special Needs [A]

Current GPA: 4.00 Cumulative GPA: 4.00
2002 Spring

EDIT526 (2) AT and Internet [A]

EDIT530 (2) Scripting and Programming [A]

EDIT575 (2) Authorware [A]

EDIT797 (2) Augmentative Comm Tools [A]

Current GPA: 4.00 Cumulative GPA: 4.00

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