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N e w   b o o k   o r d e r s
August 2002 - March 2003

(All listed here books are ordered for the Prince William Campus Library
To check the status of a particular book, please consult the
Mason catalog)

bullet Abraham Lincoln's DNA and other adventures in genetics / by Philip R. Reilly. 0879695803.  2000.
bullet Anatomy of gene regulation : a three-dimensional structural analysis / Panagiotis A. Tsonis. 0521800307. 2003.
bullet Animal cell biotechnology : methods and protocols / edited by Nigel Jenkins. 0896035476. 1999.
bullet Aquatic genomics : steps toward a great future / N. Shimizu ... (et al.) (eds.). 4431703314.  2003.
bullet Atlas of microscopy techniques 0120444151. 2001.
bullet Bioinformatics / David R. Westhead and Richard M. Twyman. 1859962726. 2002.
bullet Bioinformatics : a practical guide to the analysis of genes and proteins / (edited by) Andreas D. Baxevanis, B.F. Francis Ouellette. 0471383902. 2nd.  2001.
bullet Bioinformatics and genome analysis / H.-W. Mewes, H. Seidel, B. Weiss, editors. 3540428933. 2002.
bullet Bioinformatics and genomes : current perspectives / M.A. Andrade (ed.). 1898486476.  2002.
bullet Bioinformatics computing / Bryan Bergeron. 0131008250.  2003.
bullet Bioinformatics for geneticists / Michael Barnes. 0470843934.  2002.
bullet Bioinformatics for genomics / M.Y. Galperin and E.V. Koonin (eds.) 1898486409.  2002.
bullet Bioinformatics : genes, proteins and computers / edited by Christine Orengo, David Jones, Janet Thornton. 1859960545. 2003.
bullet Bioinformatics : sequence, structure, and databanks : a practical approach / edited by D. Higgins and W. Taylor. 0199637903.  2000.
bullet Biomarkers of disease : an evidence-based approach / edited by Andrew Trull ... (et al.). 0521811023.  2002.
bullet The biomedical engineering dictionary / Joseph Bronzino, Michael Newman. 0121773752. 2001.
bullet Biomedical globalization : the international migration of scientists / Sergio Diaz-Briquets, Charles C. Cheney. 0765801043. 2002.
bullet Biomedical imaging in experimental neuroscience / edited by Nick Van Bruggen, Timothy Roberts. 084930122X. 2003.
bullet Biosciences on the Internet : a student's guide / Georges Dussart. 0471498424. 2002.
bullet Biostatistical genetics and genetic epidemiology / editors, Robert C. Elston, Jane M. Olson, Lyle Palmer. 0471486310. 2002.
bullet Biostatistical methods / edited by Stephen W. Looney. 089603951X.  2002.
bullet Calcium Binding Protein Protocols/ed. by Hans J. Vogel. 089603688X. XW37848X. 2001.
bullet The cell : a molecular approach / Geoffrey M. Cooper. 0878931066. 2nd.  2000.
bullet Chronology of science : from Stonehenge to the human genome project / consulting editor, Lisa Rosner. 1576079546. R6-312054. 2002.
bullet Combinatorial library : methods and protocols / edited by Lisa Bellavance English. 0896039803. R1-325253. 2002.
bullet The common thread : a story of science, politics, ethics, and the human genome / John Sulston, Georgina Ferry. 0309084091. R9-336151. 2002.
bullet Computational biology and genome informatics / edited by Jason T.L. Wang, Cathy H. Wu, Paul P. Wang. 9812382577.  2003.
bullet Computational cell biology / Christopher P. Fall ... (et al.), editors. 0387953698. 2002.
bullet Computational methods in biophysics, biomaterials, biotechnology and medical systems : algorithm development, mathematical analysis, and diagnostics / edited by Cornelius T. Leondes. 1402071108. 2002.
bullet Computational models for neuroscience : human cortical information processing / Robert Hecht-Nielsen and Thomas McKenna (eds.). 1852335939.  2003.
bullet Computational molecular biology : an algorithmic approach / Pavel A. Pevzner. 0262161974. 2001.
bullet Computational molecular biology : an introduction / Peter Clote, Rolf Backofen. 0471872512.2000.
bullet Crafting a cloning policy : from Dolly to stem cells / Andrea L. Bonnicksen. 0878403701.  2002.
bullet Cytokines and autoimmune diseases / edited by Vijay K. Kuchroo ... (et al.). 0896038564.  2002.
bullet Data analysis and classification for bioinformatics / Arun Jagota. 0970029705.  2000.
bullet Deciphering the book of life : advances in computational genomics / Michael Q. Zhang. 9810241275. 2000.
bullet Developing bioinformatics computer skills / Cynthia Gibas and Per Jambeck. 1565926641.  2001.
bullet Differential equations and mathematical biology / D.S. Jones, B.D. Sleeman. 1584882964. rev.. V6-J12288. 2002.
bullet Discovering genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics / A. Malcolm Campbell, Laurie J. Heyer. 0805347224.  2003.
bullet DNA methylation protocols / edited by Ken I. Mills and Bernard H. Ramsahoye. 0896036189.  2002.
bullet DNA microarrays : a molecular cloning manual / ed. by David Bowtell. 0879696249. 2003.
bullet DNA-protein interaction protocols 0896036251.  2000.
bullet DNA-protein interactions : principles and protocols / edited by Tom Moss. 0896036251. 2nd.  2001.
bullet DNA science : a first course in recombinant DNA / David Micklos. 0879696362. . 2002.
bullet DNA sequencing protocols / C.A. Graham. 0896037215. 2001.
bullet Double Helix: Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA 0140268774. 2 ed.. 1999.
bullet E. coli gene expression protocols / edited by Peter E. Vaillancourt. 1588290085. 2003.
bullet [Ecological informatics : understanding ecology by biologically-inspired computation / Friedrich Recknagel (ed.). 3540434550.  2003.
bullet Encyclopedic dictionary of genetics, genomics, and proteomics / George P. Redei. 0471268216. 2nd.  2003.
bullet Essential atlas of infectious diseases / Gerald L. Mandell, editor-in-chief. 1573401676. 2nd. 2001.
bullet Essential iGenetics / Peter J. Russell. 080534697X. 2003.
bullet Essentials of Antimicrobial Pharmacology : guide to fundamentals for practice. 0896037606. 2002.
bullet Essentials of medical genomics / Stuart M. Brown / with contributions by John G. Hay and Harry Ostrer. 047121003X. 2003.
bullet Evolutionary aspects of bacterial genomics / Edward J. Feil. 0470849614.  2002.
bullet Evolutionary computation in bioinformatics / edited by Gary B. Fogel, David W. Corne. 1558607978.  2003.
bullet Evolving connectionist systems : methods and applications in bioinformatics, brain study and intelligent machines / Nikola Kasabov. 1852334002. 2003.
bullet Fatty acids : physiological and behavioral functions / edited by David I. Mostofsky, Shlomo Yehuda, Norman Salem ; forewords by Ralph Holman and William Lands. 0896039420. 2001.
bullet Fraud and misconduct in biomedical research / edited by Stephen Lock, Frank Wells, Michael Farthing. 0727915088. 3rd. 2001.
bullet From computer to brain : foundations of computational neuroscience / William W. Lytton. 0387955267.  2002.
bullet Frontiers in computational genomics / Michael Y. Galperin and Eugene V. Koonin. 0954246446. 2003.
bullet Fundamental concepts of bioinformatics / Dan E. Krane, Michael L. Raymer. 0805346333. 2003.
bullet Genes and signals / by Mark Ptashne and Alexander Gann. 0879696311.  2002.
bullet Genetics : a beginner's guide / B. Guttman ... (et al.). 1851683046.
bullet Genetics and genomics of neurobehavioral disorders / edited by Gene S. Fisch. 158829045X. 2003.
bullet Genetics of angiogenesis / edited by James B. Hoying. 1859960596.  2003.
bullet Genetics of apoptosis / edited by Stefan Grimm. 1859960642. 2003.
bullet Genomes / T.A. Brown. 0471250465. 2nd. 2002.
bullet Genomic imprinting and uniparental disomy in medicine : clinical and molecular aspects / Eric Engel, Stylianos E. Antonarakis. 0471351261. 2002.
bullet Genomic technologies : present and future / edited by David J. Galas, Stephen J. McCormack. 095424642X. 2002.
bullet Genomics & proteomics for analytical chemists / Yoshinobu Baba and Daniel Figeys. 047149660X. 2002.
bullet Glycogenomics : the impact of genomics and informatics in glycobiology / organized and edited by K. Drickamer and A. Dell. 1855781549. 2002.
bullet Good laboratory practice regulations / edited by Sandy Weinberg. 0824708911. 3rd. 2003.
bullet The greatest killer : smallpox in history / Donald R. Hopkins. 0226351661.2002.
bullet Haemophilus influenzae protocols / edited by Mark A. Herbert, Derek W. Hood, E. Richard Moxon. 0896039285. 2003.
bullet Handbook of cell signaling. 0121245462.  2003.
bullet Handbook of comparative genomics : principles and methodology / Cecilia Saccone, Graziano Pesole. 047139128X. 2003.
bullet Handbook of cytokines and chemokines in infectious diseases / edited by Malak Kotb, Thierry Calandra. 0896039080. 2003.
bullet Handbook of industrial cell culture : mammalian, microbial, and plant cells / edited by Victor A. Vinci and Sarad R. Parekh. 1588290328. 2003.
bullet High throughput screening : methods and protocols / edited by William P. Janzen. 0896038890. 2002.
bullet  A history of the life sciences / Lois N. Magner. 0824708245. 3rd. 2002.
bullet Human molecular biology : an introduction to the molecular basis of health and disease / Richard J. Epstein. 052164285X. 2003.
bullet I wish I'd made you angry earlier : essays on science, scientists, and humanity. 0879696745. 2002.
bullet Immunology and evolution of infectious disease / Steven A. Frank. 0691095949. 2002.
bullet Immunology for biomedical scientists : a basic introduction / Lesley-Jane Reynolds. 0470845244. 2nd.  2003.
bullet Immunotherapy for infectious diseases / edited by Jeffrey M. Jacobson. 0896036693.  2002.
bullet In situ detection of DNA damage : methods and protocols / edited by Vladimir V. Didenko. 0896039528. . 2002.
bullet In vitro mutagenesis protocols / edited by Jeff Braman. 0896039102. 2nd. 2002.
bullet Innate immunity / edited by R. Alan B. Ezekowitz, Jules A. Hoffmann. 1588290468. 2003.
bullet Instant notes : bioinformatics / David R. Westhead, J. Howard Parish and Richard M. Twyman. 1859962726. 2002.
bullet Integrative biophysics : biophotonics / edited by Fritz-Albert Popp and Lev Beloussov. 1402011393. 2003.
bullet Introduction to bioinformatics / Jonathan Pevsner. 0471210048. 2002.
bullet Introduction to bioinformatics : a theoretical and practical approach / edited by Stephen A. Krawetz and David D. Womble. 1588290646.  2002.
bullet Introduction to biophotonics / Paras N. Prasad. 0471287709.  2003.
bullet An introduction to computational biochemistry / C. Stan Tsai. 047140120X. 2002.
bullet Introduction to molecular medicine / Dennis W. Ross ; illustrations by David Pounds. 0387953728. 3rd.  2002.
bullet An introduction to molecular medicine and gene therapy / edited by Thomas F. Kresina 0471391883.  2001.
bullet Introduction to sequence bioinformatics 0521520991. 2003.
bullet Introductory biostatistics / Chap T. Le. 0471418161. 2003.
bullet Introductory biostatistics for the health sciences / Michael R. Chernick, Robert Friis. 047141137X. 2003.
bullet James Watson and the DNA revolution 0738203416. 2003.
bullet The journey of man : a genetic odyssey / Spencer Wells ; photographs by Mark Read. 069111532X. 2002.
bullet Lab ref : a handbook of recipes, reagents, and other reference tools for use at the bench / edited by Jane Roskams and Linda Rodgers. 0879696303. 2002.
bullet Lateral DNA transfer : mechanisms and consequences / Frederic Bushman. 0879696036. 2001.
bullet Life exposed : biological citizens after Chernobyl / Adriana Petryna. 0691090181. 2002.
bullet Liposome methods and protocols / edited by Subhash C. Basu, Manju Basu. 0896038459. 2002.
bullet Malaria methods and protocols / edited by Denise L. Doolan. 0896038238. 2002.
bullet Mastering Perl for bioinformatics / James D. Tisdall. 0596003072. 2003.
bullet Mathematical biology., v.2 (3rd ed.) 0387952284. 3rd. 2003.
bullet Mathematical biology, 1: An introduction / J.D. Murray. 0387952233. 3rd. 2002.
bullet Mathematical physiology / James Keener, James Sneyd. 0387983813. 1998.
bullet Maths from scratch for biologists / Alan J. Cann. 0471498343. 2003.
bullet Mathematical Methods of Analysis of Biopolymer Sequences /Gindikin, Simon G., ed. 1992. 082186601X.
bullet Medical informatics : computer applications in health care and biomedicine / Edward H. Shortliffe, Leslie E. Perreault, editors ; Gio Wiederhold, Lawrence M. Fagan, associate editors. 0387984720. 2nd.  2001.
bullet Methods in microbiology, v.33: Functional microbial genomics / ed. by B.Wren. 0125215339. 2002.
bullet Methods in molecular biology., unknown : PCR protocols / ed. by J.M.S. Bartlett, D. Stirling 0896036421. 2nd. 2000.
bullet Methods in molecular biology., 236: Plant functional genomics / E.Grotewold. 1588291456. 2003.
bullet Methods in molecular biology., 220: Cancer cytogenetics : methods and protocols / ed. by J.Swansbury. 1588290808. 2003.
bullet Methods in molecular biology., 224: Functional genomics : methods and protocols / ed. by M.J.Brownstein. 1588292916. 2003.
bullet MHC protocols / edited by Stephen H. Powis, Robert W. Vaughan. 0896035484. 2003.
bullet Microarrays for an integrative genomics / Isaac S. Kohane, Alvin T. Kho, and Atul J. Butte. 026211271X.  2003.
bullet Microbial DNA and immune modulation / edited by Eyal Raz. 1588290220. 2002.
bullet Mitochondrial DNA : methods and protocols / edited by William C. Copeland. 0896039722. 2002.
bullet Mobile DNA II / edited by Nancy L. Craig ... (et al.). 1555812090. 2002.
bullet Molecular analysis of cancer / edited by Jacqueline Boultwood and Carrie Fidler. 0896036227. 2002.
bullet Molecular biology of drug addiction / edited by Rafael Maldonado. 1588290603. 2003.
bullet Molecular biology problem solver : a laboratory guide / edited by Alan S. Gerstein. 0471379727. 2001.
bullet Molecular cytogenetics : protocols and applications / edited by Yao-Shan Fan. 1588290069. 2002.
bullet Molecular Diagnosis of Genetic Diseases 0896039323. 2001.
bullet Molecular diagnosis of genetic diseases : Vol 2 0896038629. 2003.
bullet Molecular evolution : a phylogenetic approach / Roderic D.M. Page, Edward C. Holmes. 0865428891.  1998.
bullet Molecular genetics and the human personality / edited by Jonathan Benjamin, Richard P. Ebstein, Robert H. Belmaker. 0880487550. 2002.
bullet Molecular mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases / (edited by) Marie-Francoise Chesselet. 0896038041. 2001.
bullet Molecular pathology of the prions / edited by Harry F. Baker. 0896039242. 2001.
bullet Molecular pathology protocols / edited by Anthony A. Killeen. 0896036812. 2001.
bullet The national labs : science in an American system, 1947-1974 / Peter J. Westwick. 0674009487. 2003.
bullet The nature and prospects of bioethics / edited by John C. Fletcher, Franklin G. Miller. 0896037096.  2000.
bullet Neural networks and genome informatics / C.H. Wu, J.W. McLarty. 0080428002. R7-210194. 2000.
bullet Neural stem cells : methods and protocols / edited by Tanja Zigova, Paul R. Sanberg, and Juan R. Sanchez-Ramos. 0896039641. 2002.
bullet [Neurogenetics : methods and protocols / edited by Nichols T. Potter. 0896039900. 2003.
bullet Nucleic acids isolation methods / edited by Botho Bowien, Peter Durre. 1588830187. 2003.
bullet Numerical analysis in modern scientific computing : an introduction / Peter Deuflhard, Andreas Hohmann. 0387954104. 2nd. 2003.
bullet PCR mutation detection protocols / edited by Bimal D.M. Theophilus and Ralph Rapley. 0896036170.  2002.
bullet PCR Protocols 0896036421.2000.
bullet Peptide nucleic acids : methods and protocols / edited by Peter E. Nielsen. 0896039765. 2002.
bullet Pharmacogenomics : social, ethical, and clinical dimensions / edited by Mark A. Rothstein. 0471227692.  2003.
bullet The physical foundation of protein architecture / Nobuhiko Saito, Yukio Kobayashi. 9810247109. 2001.
bullet Phytochemistry in the genomics and post-genomics eras / edited by John T. Romeo and Richard A. Dixon. 0080441165.  2002.

Polyhedral combinatorics / ed. by William Cook, Paul D. Seymour. 0821865919. XA654608. 1990

bullet Posttranslational modifications of proteins : tools for functional proteomics / edited by Christoph Kannicht. 0896036782. 2002.
bullet A practical approach to microarray data analysis / edited by Daniel P. Berrar, Werner Dubitzky, Martin Granzow. 1402072600. 2003.
bullet Principles of genome analysis and genomics / Sandy B. Primrose, Richard M. Twyman. 1405101202. 3rd. 2003.
bullet Prokaryotic genomics / Blot, M. (ed.) 3764365978. 2002.
bullet Protein bioseparation using ultrafiltration : theory, spplications and new developments / Raja Ghosh. 1860943179. 2002.
bullet Protein-protein interactions : a molecular cloning laboratory manual / edited by Erica Golemis. 0879696044. 2001.
bullet Protein sequencing protocols / edited by Bryan John Smith. 0896039757. 2nd. 2003.
bullet Proteins and proteomics : a laboratory manual / Richard J. Simpson. 0879695536. 2002.
bullet Proteomics : an introduction to the new biology. 0896039919. 2001.
bullet Proteomics in practice : a laboratory manual of proteome analysis / Reiner Westermeier, Tom Naven. 3527303545. 2002.
bullet Psychiatric genetics and genomics / edited by Peter McGuffin, Michael J. Owen, Irving I. Gottesman. 0192631489. 2002.
bullet Psychiatric genetics : methods and reviews / edited by Marion Leboyer and Frank Bellivier. 1588290379.  2003.
bullet Regulation of alternative splicing / Philippe Jeanteur (ed.). 3540438335.  2003.
bullet Responsible conduct of research / Adil E. Shamoo and David B. Resnik. 0195148452. 2003.
bullet Safety Sense A Laboratory Guide 0879695552. 2001.
bullet The Sequence : inside the race for the human genome / Kevin Davies. 0297646982. 2001.
bullet Small molecule DNA and RNA binders : from synthesis to nucleic acid complexes, v. 1-2 / M. Demeunynck, C. Bailly, W. D. Wilson (eds.). 3527305955. 2003.
bullet Small molecule-protein interaction / H. Waldmann and M. Koppitz, editors. 3540439846. 2003.
bullet Statistical modeling for biomedical researchers : a simple introduction to the analysis of complex data / William D. Dupont. 0521820618. 2002.
bullet Structural bioinformatics / edited by Philip E. Bourne, Helge Weissig. 0471202002. 2003.
bullet Techniques in bioinformatics and medical informatics / edited by Faramarz Valafar. 1573314323. 2002.
bullet Telomeres & telomerase : methods and protocols / edited by John A. Double and Michael J. Thompson. 089603657X. 2002.
bullet Viral vectors for gene therapy : methods and protocols / edited by Curtis A. Machida. 1588290190. 2003.
bullet Watson and DNA : making a scientific revolution / Victor K. McElheny. 0738203416. 2003.

Updated March 21, 2003