Virginia F. Doherty
Academic Progress Portfolio
George Mason University
Fall 2002

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Books purchased during each of the semesters
(not necessarily read but .... someday)

           Each of the courses I've taken so far has caused me to enter Barnes & Noble searching for books.  When I cannot get to the store then I search on line for books to supplement what I am learning.  Every course I take opens new vistas and stimulates new interests.  I will read all of these books by the time I finish the program.  And I will buy a ton more.  That is for sure.

Fall 2001:  EDUC 802 and EDUC 805

The first semester I bought everything I could on leadership and education.

The Unschooled Mind 
The Dance of Change              
Schools that Learn                  
The Schools We Need              
Roads to Success                     
Personal Styles & Effective Performance 
Other People's Children         
Seven Habits of Highly
Effective People                        


H. Gardner
Peter Senge
Peter Senge
E.D. Hirsch (might not finish this one)
Robert Heller
David Merrill & Roger Reid
Lisa Delpit

St ephen Covey

Spring 2002:  EDUC 800 (Ways of Knowing)
How to Complete and Survive a Doctoral Dissertation
The Language Imperative
The Schools our Children Deserve
Thought and Language
Mind in Society
A User's Guide to the Brain
Frames of Mind
Surpassing Ourselves
The Case for Constructivist Classrooms
Teaching with the Brain in Mind
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
Descartes Error
A Piaget Primer


David Sternberg
S.H. Elgin
Alfie Kohn
John Ratey
H. Gardner
Bereiter & Scardamalia
Brooks & Brooks
E. Jensen
Oliver Sacks
Antonio Damasio
D. Singer & T. Revenson


Summer 2002:    EDLE 797  (Foundations of Educational Leadership)
Standardized Minds
Dumbing Us Down
The War Against America's Public Schools
Leading in a Culture of Change
Fighting to Save our Urban Schools...and Winning
Learning and Not Learning English
Fifty Modern Thinkers on Education
Why Don't They Learn English?
Dual Language Instruction
Tinkering Toward Utopia
Savage Inequalities
Educational Leadership
Peter Sacks
John T. Gatto
Gerald Bracey
Michael Fullan
Donald McAdams
Guadalupe Valdes
Ed. Joy A. Palmer
Lucy Tse
Cloud, Genesee & Hamayan
Tyack & Cuban
Jonathan Kozol
Jossey-Bass Reader

Fall 2002:  EDIT 772 (Electronic Portfolio), EDRS 810 (Problems and Methods in Educational Research), EDUC 870 (Education Policy)

Creating Web Pages for Dummies
Man's Search for Meaning
Smith & Bebak
Viktor E. Frankl
            In the fall semester I found that I did not have time to go to Barnes & Noble as often.  And when I did, I found that I owned the
            books in the education section.  I found myself reading the ones that I had bought but put aside.
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