Development of Reading
Readiness Initial Reading Rapid Skill Acquisition Wide Reading RefinementReadiness
Visual discrimination Auditory discrimination (inc. phonemic) Alphabet recognition Linguistic prerequisites
adequate vocabulary listening skills; following directions auditory attention span; story grammar Initial Reading
Sight vocabulary
Word attack skills
Phonetic analysis:
initial consonants
short vowel sounds
variant consonants (c, g)
single final consonants
cvc; long vowel patterns, digraphs, -e;
blends, consonant digraphs, r-controlled vowels
Rapid Skill AcquisitionFluency, automaticity, mastery = rate
Structural analysis:
verb suffixes (-ing, -ed), noun plurals (-s, -es)
comparitives (-est) states of being (-ness, -tion)
root words, compounds
pronoun/verb contractions (Ill), negative (wont)
Rapid Skill Acquisition: ContextContextual analysis: complete unfinished sentence supply missing word (picture or letter cue) unscramble words use phonics andcontext to decode word select correct dictionary definition learn unknown word from context Cues for Word Reading
knowledge of sound-symbol relationships Syntactic
knowledge of rules of English grammar Semantic
use word, sentence meanings to predict unknown word Wide Reading
Transition from "learning to read" to "reading to learn." extend breadth and depth of knowledge, vocabulary knowledge New tasks that may challenge reading ability Comprehension Skills
Identify details in passage State main idea of passage Relate sequence of events in passage draw conclusions, predict, draw inferences follow written directions;multiple meanings cause/effect; compare/contrast distinguish between subjective/objective interpret/analyze underlying themes Refinement
Advanced reading skills:
adjust reading rate to purpose multiple "passes" through text sustain attention adequate to purpose read maps, charts, diagrams for information use table of contents, index dictionary, encyclopedia, library,other reference write summaries, outlines of main ideas, details Assessment
Survey tests
to identify estimated levels of performance PIAT; WRAT-III Diagnostic tests
identify relative strengths and weaknesses Woodcock Reading Mastery Test-R Informal assessment Informal Assessment
Informal Reading Inventory
brief reading passages and other tasks to identify relative strengths and weaknesses can identify independent, instructional, frustration levels Ekwall Reading Inventory; Silvaroli Classroom Reading Inventory Create your own with relevant materials Oral Reading Scoring System
Mispronunciations: write above word (They bought the bread at the store) Assistance: write letter A (Hawkeye performed the delicate operation) Omissions: circle word or portion Letter/word inversions: use typographical mark Self-correction: use letter C above word Insertion: use carat Hesitation and repetition:use checkmark,wavy line Cloze Procedure
Select 2 passages of 250 words at a specific grade level Delete every 5th word (except 1st sentence), and replace with blank underlines Individual: say the word; group: write the word. Curriculum Based Measurement
Select (6) 100-200 word passages from the end of the book. Give individual students timed probes of these readings regularly (2 or more X wk.) Chart reading rate, correct, incorrect, and make predictions of long term progress Make instructional decisions based on formative data The Problem Reader: SRA
Frequent word identification errors
more in connected sentences than word lists
omissions, additions, substitutions (of/for; and/the)
reads synonyms (pretty:beautiful; house:home)
Doesnt understand the relationship between letters of a word and pronunciation
may lack phonemic awareness
"Look at the word (or 1st letter) and guess"
"Think of what the word might mean"
"Look at the general shape of the word"
Problem Reader IIDoesnt read with sufficient fluency to comprehend passages
Not a highly motivated student
may state [incorrectly]: "I don't care if I can read or not"; "I hate reading"
Ineffective reading strategies and negative attitudes about reading increase with age.
Student Reflections (Johnson, 1992)"Oh, you sit there scare that the teachers going to call on you. You become a class clown But also you sit right up the front of the class too; you dont sit in the back back is they pick on the kids in the back... Since about third or fourth grade I havent even done anything..any teacher who teaches her class says verbally what has to be learned. All you have to do is pay attention." Johnson, 1992
"Together, these reactions -- a general avoidance of print detail and a shutting down of processing under stress -- could produce a condition of almost literal "word blindness" when reading is required. This would make learning to read a very difficult feat indeed." Reflections (Centra, 1990)
"I can remember this teacher as if it were yesterday. She was so terrible. I was in the first grade. It was so noisy, I could not concentrate. The teacher was always screaming and yelling I had these big stacks of papers on my desk to finish. I couldnt catch up I can still hear that yelling and see that mouth going That yelling and that mouth! Observations (Rudenga, 1992)
Lauras social interactions are sometimes immature, and she is not readily accepted by peers ..a poor speller who did not help [peers] handwriting that is difficult to decipher does not actually read silently, but instead feigns silent reading Rudenga, 1992
When she needs to respond in writing, her ideas are based on her own experiences, comments made by other people, or she returns to the text to find a specific answer. Perhaps she picks up a few words or ideas from her brief, cursory approach, but leans on other tactics to show she has read.