Traditional Approaches
Monday: Introduce new words
Tuesday: Write words 3 times
Wednesday: Write words in sentence
Thursday: Practice test
Friday: Final test
(OR, look up in dictionary, unscramble, configuration)
Spelling Competencies
Competency area
Auditory discrimination
Silent e
Vowel digraphs/diphthongs
Structural element
Ending changes
-Discriminate consonant and vowel sounds.
-Consonants in initial, final,medial positions; consonant blends
-Single-syllable words ending in silent e.
-Vowel digraph forms one sound (ai, ea) or diphthong forms blend (oi, ow)
-Ability to identify phonograms in initial, medial, and final positions; word phonograms.
-Ability to form plurals by adding s, es, changing f to v, exceptions
-Ability to divide words into syllables
-Root words, prefixes, suffixes
-Words which end in e, y, consonants
Spelling Techniques
Students learn to spell more effectively when they:
Increase engaged learning time
Use self-monitoring strategies
Check their own spelling and make corrections
Use learning strategies such as clustering, rehearsal, and elaboration
Study similar words together
Frequently review previously learned words
Effective Spelling Programs (Graham, 1985)
Incorporated in general study of language -- written and spoken lang.
Employ a variety of methods and materials
Include regular meaningful writing activities
Multiple opportunities for self-assessment
Remedial Approach (Graham & Voth, 1990)
Limit at first to high-frequency and students own errors
Small units (6-12) that emphasize a common structural element
Periodic maintenance and review
Students predict and confirm
Practice missed words with systematic study procedure
Link instruction in spelling to writing
Teach strategies, use spelling resources
Self-Monitoring for Spelling
Say the spelling word.
Write and say the spelling word.
Check the spelling.
Trace and say the word.
Write the word without looking.
Check the spelling.
Repeat the above steps as necessary (adapted from Harris, Graham, & Freeman, 1988).
Self-Questioning for Spelling
Do I know this word?
How many syllables do I hear?
Ill spell out the word.
Do I have the right number of syllables?
If yes, is there any part of the word I am unsure of the spelling?
Now, does it look right to me?
When I finish spelling, Ill tell myself Ive worked hard (Wong, 1986).
Use Word Lists
100 most commonly used words in writing (Horn, Table 11.4)
I, that, what, please, would
Spelling Demons
squirrel, sandwich, potato, guessed
Motivational Strategies
Peer tutoring
Attribution training
Spelling Mnemonics
Privilege: Special priVILEges are VILE
Laboratory: A LABORatory is for LABOR
Judgment: GM made a judGMent
Stationery: LettERs written on stationERy
Bargain: You can GAIN from a barGAIN
Relevant: The ANT was relevANT to class.
Obedient: If youre not obeDIEnt, you DIE.