Nonverbal Language Skills
Student Characteristics
- Visual ability
- Auditory ability
- Mobility
- Positioning and posture (e.g., head control)
- Consistent motoric response mode(pointing)
- Ability to associate store and retrieve symbols and their meanings
Nonverbal Assessment: Communication System
- Physical abilities to manipulate the system
- Cognitive development required to communicate using the system
- Amount of training required of family and friends for communication to occur.
- Expected changes in students physical/skill levels over time
Nonoral Augmentative Systems
- Symbolic or aided systems
- Gestural or unaided systems
Symbolic or Aided Systems
- Representational
Blissymbols, uses pictographs and ideographs Rebus: concrete, relational, abstract
Non-SLIP: geometric shaped on colored tiles
Morse code: visual, motor limitations Traditional orthography: technological
prelinguistic signals without formal structure concrete concepts: pointing, shivering, waving
ASL, American Sign Language Fingerspelling Combination gestural systems (total communication)