Initial Language Training Overheads
Types of Assessment
- Norm-referenced
- compares performance to a norm
- Criterion referenced
- compares performance to a criterion
- Curriculum-based
- student performance re curriculum
- Performance, Portfolio
Stages of Learning
- Acquisition - first learning new material
- Proficiency (fluency) becoming fluent
- Generalization
- applying knowledge in context, using skills in new situations
- Maintenance
- retain skills or content over time
Types of Learning*
- Discrimination: left v. right; p v. q
- Factual: associative (ranid=frog);serial list(a,b,c..)
- Conceptual: can identify novel instances
- Procedural: sequential steps in a procedure
- Rule: general system that governs responses
- Problem-solving/thinking skills: construct new procedures to attain solution.
Effective Teaching Variables*
- Time on Task (engaged)
- Content covered (curriculum, scope and seq., objectives, pacing)
- Delivery of information (SCREAM)
- Guided and independent practice
- Formative evaluation
SCREAM (Teacher Presentation) Variables*
- Structure
- Clarity
- Redundancy
- Enthusiasm
- Appropriate rate
- Maximized engagement, including questioning and feedback
Initial Language Skills
- Attention
- Imitation ("do this [clap]"; then "say this: /m/")
- Receptive Skills ("stand up" "point to pencil,")
- Expressive ("What is this?" object, pictures; one word, two word, three word,
"This is a ____")
- Expansions (prepositional, adjective, pronoun, verb forms (e.g., tense), negative,
Milieu Language Training
- Brief and positive, natural environment, occasioned by child interest (e.g, eating,
- Requires attention to the child rather than the "program".
- Emphasizes the social nature of language
- Snell: child-directed, mand-model, time delay, incidental teaching procedures
- (1)repetition/expansion, (2) supplement DI, (3)stimulate converstation
Promoting Generalization*
- Train sufficient examples
- Train "loosely"
- Use "indiscriminable contingencies"
- Use role play activities
- Teach specific strategies, self-monitoring
- Reinforce generalization
- Retrain
*This information is not referenced in the text; the source
material comes from the "teacher effectiveness" research literature and the
psychology of learning literature For reviews, see Mastropieri & Scruggs (1994), Effective
Instruction for Special Education (ProEd); or Mastropieri & Scruggs, (2000), The
Inclusive Classroom: Strategies for Effective Instruction (Prentice Hall).
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