ARROW KEYS = move player / move bat / aim pitch____ CONTROL = swing bat____
ARROW KEY (while holding control) = change fielder / throw ball___

Sad Cobras Softball


-You pitch first.
  --Your pitch's aim is chosen randomly and you have only about a second to move it.
  --That blue box in the middle of the screen represents the peak of your pitch.

-When fielding, hold CONTROL, and press the arrow keys to control a different player.
If you can't get to the player you want, try pressing right (or left) a bunch of times
(with CONTROL down) until you get to him.

-Runners are controlled automatically. You have no control on offense beyond batting.

-You can press 'T' for timeout (pause) during the field screen.

-If anything messed up happens, it's not because of the programming. It's because you're
the Sad Cobras. What did you expect?