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Todd's Voracious Appetite for Books

Books are like having conversations with the greatest minds across the space-time continuum. Few conversations satisfy our optimal need for stimulation. Much of our attention is allocated to present anxieties, activities, and daily living to the sheer dismissal of energy sources and issues beyond the confines of the self. There are practical individuals who provide the skills, tools, and attentional allocation necessary for our survival, and there are those quixotic individuals who combine the insatiable curiosity, conscientiousness, and childish, dream-like qualities that are necessary for our evolution. Neither is better than the other, both are necessities. There is an old buddhist koan claiming two ways to ignorance: those who never read books and those who do nothing but read books. I keep this in mind as I spend a good proportion of my life propped up against the backside of trees, lying barefoot in the grass, or vegetating in my reading chair to consume the catalyzing ideas and stories of others. And the moment those book covers close, I solicit the best possible balance of action and reflection...

Just as the bulk of these books were culled from the recommendations of self-selected souls who offered me crystallizing moments over the years, please feel free to contact me about anything that you read or anything on this list that captures your mind's eye...

Books read since 1996 (after college when I valued the love of learning for its own sake)

Paul Abramson.

With pleasure

Douglas Adams.

The salmon of doubt [January, 2007]

The hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy [January, 2007--could be the fourth or fifth time I read it]

Restaurant at the end of the universe [February, 2007]

R. Albert.

Genius and emminence

Mitch Albom.

The five people you meet in heaven [October, 2004]

Tuesdays with Morrie

Stephen Ambrose.

Undaunted Courage: Meriwether Lewis, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West [July, 2006]

Martin Amis.

The Rachel Papers [May, 2005]

London Fields [April, 2005]

Heavy water and other stories [March, 2005]

Success [March, 2005]

Yellow dog [December, 2004]

Dead babies

Time's arrow [will challenge the way you view bowel movements, sexual attraction, digestion, and pimps through an ingenious twist on the concept of time and order]

Hans Askenasy

Cannibalism: From sacrifice to survival [November, 2006]

Margaret Atwood

The handmaid's tale [September, 2004]

Cat's eye [September, 2004]

John Banville

The sea [February, 2007---one of the most aesthetically beautiful novels]

The Book of Evidence [December, 2004]

Clive Barker.

The damnation game
The great and secret show
In the flesh
The inhuman condition

Georges Bataille.

Story of the eye

Roy Baumeister.

Meanings of life

James Beck

Three worlds of MichelAngelo [May, 2006]

Alfred Bester.

The stars my destination

Thomas Blass.

The man who shocked the world: The life and legacy of Stanley Milgram [May, 2006]

Jorge Luis Borges

           Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings [favorite short story: Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius]

T.C. Boyle.

A friend of the earth

Tooth and claw and other stories

The inner circle [December, 2005]

Without a hero

The road to wellness
Descent of man
The river runs whiskey

Ray Bradbury.

The martian chronicles [May, 2004]
The illustrated man
Fahrenheit 451
A medicine for melancholy
The golden apples of the sun

Fiona Bradley

Surrealism [June, 2006]

Serge Bramly

Leonardo: The artist and the man [July, 2004]

Alan Brown and Chris Logan

The psychology of the simpsons [July, 2006]

David Jay Brown.

Mavericks of the mind

Bill Bryson.

A walk in the woods [June, 2006]

A short history of nearly everything [May, 2006]

Anthony Burgess.

The doctor is sick
A clockwork orange

William Burroughs.

Exterminator [January, 2003]

Italo Calvino.

Difficult Loves

Albert Camus.

The first man [December, 2002]
The stranger

Truman Capote

          In Cold Blood [September, 2005]

Emmanuel Carrere

I am alive and you are dead: A journey into the mind of Philip K. Dick [June, 2004]

Michael Chabon.

The amazing adventures of kavalier and clay [May, 2003]
The mysteries of pittsburgh [May 2003]

Greg Child.

Over the edge: The true story of four american climbers' kidnap and escape in the mountains of central asia [September, 2006]

Arthur C. Clarke.

Frontiers of science

J.M. Coetzee

Disgrace [July, 2004]
Waiting for the barbarians [July, 2004]

Robert Coles.

The mind's fate

Neil Comins.

What if the moon didn't exist? [May, 2003]

Andre Comte-Sponville.

A small treatise on the great virtues [October, 2002]

John Connolly.

          The book of lost things

Michael Crichton.


Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

Flow: The psychology of optimal experience
The evoling self

Richard Cytowic.

The man who tasted shapes

Robertson Davies.

The cunning man [April, 2006]

The lyre of Orpheus [April, 2006]

What's bred in the bone [March, 2006]

The Rebel Angels

Fifth Business
The Manticore

World of Wonders

Richard Dawkins.

The god delusion [December, 2006]

Daniel C. Dennett.

Darwin's dangerous idea: Evolution and the meanings of life

Jared Diamond.

Guns, germs, and steel: The fates of human societies [June, 2007]

Philip K. Dick.

Now wait for last year [April, 2003]
The man in the high castle
Confessions of a crap artist
The three stigmata of palmer eldritch
The unteleported man
A scanner darkly
Martian time-slip

Charles Dickens.

The Old Curiosity Shop [April, 2003]

James Dickey

Deliverance [July, 2006]

Thomas Disch.

The M.D. : A horror story

Fyodor Dostoevesky.

The brothers kazamarov [November, 2005]

The double [February, 2003]

Crime and punishment

Dave Eggers

A heartbreaking work of staggering genius [November, 2003]

Bret Easton Ellis

American Psycho [August, 2003]

Joseph J. Ellis.

Founding brothers [May, 2004]

Robert Emmons.

Thanks! How the new science of gratitude can make you happier

Jeffrey Eugenides

Middlesex [December, 2003]

Richard Feynman

The Pleasure of finding things out [February, 2006]

Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman! [September, 2003]

F. Scott Fitzgerald.

The Great Gatsby [honeymoon reading in Aruba; July, 2002]

Bill Fitzhugh.

Pest Control [April, 2003]

Viktor Frankl.

The search for ultimate meaning in life [October, 2006]

Louis Franzini and John Grossberg.

Eccentric and bizarre behaviors

Ralph Freedman

Hermann Hesse: A pilgrim in crisis [November, 2003]

Sam Fussell.


Northrop Frye

Anatomy of criticism [July, 2003]

Howard Gardner.

Creating minds
Leading minds
Frames of mind
Multiple intelligences

John Gartner.

The hypomanic edge [May, 2006]

Andre Gide

The immoralist [June, 2005]

Malcolm Gladwell.

The tipping point [May, 2006]

James Gleick.

Genius: The life and science of Richard Feynmann

Robert Graves.

Greek Gods and Heroes [February, 2005]

The Transformation of Lucius (or the Golden Ass) [August, 2004]

Claudius the God [September, 2002]

I, Claudius [August, 2002]

Donald Griffin.

The question of animal awareness: Evolutionary continuity of mental experience

Mark Haddon .

The curious incident of the dog in the night-time [June, 2006]

Thich Nhat Hanh.

Living Buddha, Living Christ

Sam Harris

The end of faith: Religion, terror, and the future of reason [April, 2007]

A letter to a christian nation [January, 2007]

Peter Haskel.

Bankei Zen

Nathaniel Hawthoren

The House of the Seven Gables [April, 2007]

The Blithedale romance [May, 2007]

Ronald Hayman.

A life of Jung
Kafka: A biography [a testament of how the excruiating pain of melancholy and social anxiety can be sublimated into immense creativity]

Zoe Hellner

Notes on a Scandal [October, 2004]

Nick Herbert.

Elemental Mind

Hermann Hesse.

The Glass Bead Game
Narcissus and Goldmund

Benjamin Hoff.

The Te of Piglet

Allen Hornblum.

Acres of skin

J. Huizinga

The waning of the middle ages [October, 2003]

Aldous Huxley.

Brave new world
The doors of perception

Masuji Ibuse.

          Black Rain: A Novel

John Irving.

The World According to Garp [August, 2002]
A Son of the Circus [honeymoon reading in Aruba; July, 2002]
The Hotel New Hampshire [June, 2002]

Kazuo Ishiguro.

Never let me go [February, 2007]

Susan Jacoby.

Freethinkers: A history of american secularism [January, 2007]

Kay Redfield Jamison.

Exuberance [November, 2004]

An unquiet mind

Touched by fire

Arthur Jensen and Frank Miele.

Intelligence, race, and genetics: Conversations with Arthur R. Jensen [September, 2006]

Paul Johnson.


Jon Kabat-Zinn.

Full catastrophe living [January, 2004]
Wherever you go there you are

Franz Kafka.

Amerika [June, 2006]

The castle [June, 2006]

The great wall of china [July, 2003]

The trial
The metamorphosis, in the penal colony, and other stories

Jerome Kagan.

Galen's prophecy

Kenneth Kamler.

Surviving the extremes: A doctor's journey to the limits of human endurance [November, 2006]

Etgar Keret.

The bus driver who wanted to be god and other stories

Jack Kerouac.

The dharma bums
On the road

Ivan Klima.

           Love and Garbage

Daniel Kline.

Thomas Young: The forgotten genius

Damon Knight.

Humpty dumpty: An oval

Thomas Kuhn

The structure of scientific revolutions [June, 2003]

Milan Kundera

Ignorance [February, 2006]

The unbearable lightness of being [January, 2006]

Immortality [January, 2006]

Identity [January, 2006]

Slowness [January, 2006]

Jhumpa Lahiri

Interpreter of Maladies [January, 2005]

R.D. Laing.

The politics of experience

Erik Larson

The Devil in the White City: Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America [May, 2005]

Timothy Leary.

Design for dying
The tibetian book of the dead

Sinclair Lewis

          Babbitt [July, 2005]

James Lowen.

Lies my teacher told me: Everything your american history textbook got wrong [September, 2006]

John Lilly [No veneration can do him justice as his work ignited my interest in science and the virtues of curiosity...].

Programming and meta-programming the human bio-computer
The center of the cyclone
The scientist
John Lilly, so far...

David Lodge.

Small World [interesting parody of academic life; September, 2002]

Arnold Ludwig.

The price of greatness: Resolving the controversy of creativity and madness

Norman Mailer

Why are we in Vietnam? [April, 2005]

Thomas Mann

          The Magic Mountain [August, 2005]

          Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man: The Early Years [June, 2005]

          Death in Venice

          Doctor Faustus : The Life of the German Composer Adrian Leverkuhn As Told by a Friend

Yann Martel.

Life of Pi [October, 2004]

Gabriel Garcia Marquez

           Love in the time of cholera [April, 2007]

           Memories of my melancholy whores [May, 2007]

Abraham Maslow.

The farther reaches of human nature

W. Somerset Maugham.

Of human bondage

D.T. Max.

The family that couldn't sleep: A medical mystery [October, 2006]

Patrick McCabe

The butcher boy [September, 2004]

Cormac McCarthy.

           The Road

Carlton Mellick III

Satan Burger [February, 2004]

Ben Mezrich

          Bringing down the house [December, 2005]

Henry Miller.

Tropic of cancer

Steven Millhauser.

Martin Dressler

Harvey Milman and Stanley Sunderwirth.

Craving for ecstasy: The consciousness and chemistry of escape

Yukio Mishima

Acts of worship [May, 2007]

Christopher Moore.

The island of the sequined love nun [January, 2006]

Practicial demonkeeping

The lust lizard of melancholy cove

Wendy Moore.

          The Knife Man: Blood, Body Snatching, and the Birth of Modern Surgery

Marlo Morgan.

Mutant message down under

Edmund Morris

Theodore Rex [May, 2003]
The rise of Theodore Roosevelt [May, 2003]

Haruki Murakami.

Kafka on the shore [April, 2006]

Sputnik sweetheart [May, 2004]

Hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the world
A wild sheep chase

David Myers.

The American Paradox

Vladimir Nabakov.

Pnin [March, 2007]

The defense [March, 2007]

Lolita [January, 2003]

Audrey Niffeneger

The Time Traveler's Wife [November, 2004]

Chuck Palahniuk

          Choke [July, 2005]

Yogasanda Paramahansa.

The autobiography of a yogi

Walker Percey.

The moviegoer [April, 2004]

Marisha Pessl.

Special topics in calamity physics [March, 2007]

Steven Pinker

The Blank Slate [February, 2004]

Robert Pirsig.

Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance

Daniel Quinn.

The story of B

Ayn Rand.

The fountainhead
Atlas shrugged
We the living
For the new intellectual

Pauline Reage.

Story of O [September, 2002; will stretch your conception of love to pathological realms or will cause you open-minded and pick up a copy]

Mary Renault.

The Bull from the sea [July, 2004]
The Nature of Alexander [March, 2003]
The King Must Die [November, 2002]

Tom Robbins.

Even cowgirls get the blues [July, 2003]
Villa incognito [June, 2003]
Jitterbug perfume [August, 2002]
Half asleep in frog pajamas
Still life with woodpecker
Skinny legs and all...
Fierce Invalids Home from Hot Climates
Another Roadside Attraction

Michael Ross

Salvador Dali and the surrealists [June, 2006]

Philip Roth.

Portnoy's complaint [December, 2006]

The Human Stain

Albert Rothenberg.

Creativity and madness

Arundhati Roy

The God of small things [May, 2005]

Matt Ruff.

Set this house in order [April, 2003]
Sewer, gas, and electric: The public works triology [February, 2003]
Fool on the hill

Salman Rushdie

The Satanic Verses [January, 2005]

Midnight's Children [December, 2004]

Bertrand Russell

The conquest of happiness [June, 2007]

Why I am not a christian [June, 2007]

Michael Rutter.

Developing minds: Continuities and discontinuities across the life span

Oliver Sacks.

The man who mistook his wife for a hat

An anthropologist on mars

Carl Sagan.

Broca's brain [June, 2003]

The demon haunted world: Science as a candle in the dark

The varieties of scientific experience: A personal view of the search for god

David Salsburg.

The lady tasting tea: How statistics revolutionized science in the twentieth century [October, 2006]

Jose Saramago.

          The Gospel According to Jesus Christ


David Sedaris.

Barrel Fever [made the 4.5 hour airplane ride return from Aruba a little less excruciating; July, 2002]

Marc Seifer

The life and times of Nikola Tesla [March, 2004]

Bernard Shaw

Man and superman [June, 2006]

Edward Shorter

A history of psychiatry

Paul Silvia

Exploring the psychology of interest [May, 2006]

Zadie Smith

White Teeth [February, 2005]

Dava Sobel

Galileo's Daughter [October, 2003]

Peter Stark.

Last breath: Cautionary tales from the limits of human endurance [November, 2006]

Robert Sternberg.

Psychologists Defying the Crowd [December, 2002]
Thinking styles

Henry David Thoreau

          Walden [June, 2005]

Leo Tolstoy.

Anna Karenina [March, 2006-----excellent reading during my 10 day trip to Italy]

Ptolemy Tompkins.

This tree grows out of hell

John Kennedy Toole.

A Confederacy of Dunces [March, 2005]

Robert Wright.

          The moral animal: Why we are, the way we are: The new science of evolutionary psychology

Abraham Verghese.

The tennis partner

Tony Vigorito

Just a couple of days [May, 2004]

William Vollman

Expelled from Eden [April, 2007]

The butterfly stories [May, 2007]

The rainbow stories [June, 2007]

Kurt Vonnegut Jr..

God bless you Mr. Rosewater
Sirens of titan
Player piano
Breakfast of champions
Deadeye dick
Welcome to the monkey house
Hocus Pocus

Jill Paton Walsh

Knowledge of Angels [October, 2004]

James Watson.

The double helix

Peter Watson.

          Modern Mind: An Intellectual History of the 20th Century

Jack Weatherhouse

Genghis Khan and the making of the modern world [March, 2004]

Jack Welsh

          Jack: Straight from the gut [December, 2005]

Edward O. Wilson

          Consilience: The unity of knowledge [August, 2006]

Simon Winchester

The Professor and the Madman: A tale of murder, insanity, and the making of the Oxford English Dictionary [May, 2005]

Irwin Yalom.

Nietzche sneezes
Lying on the couch
Love's executioner
Every day gets a little closer
Richard Yglesias.
Dr. Neruda and the cure for evil
The game player

Akira Yoshimura

           On Parole

Translated by Man-Ho Kwok, Martin Palmer, & Jay Ramsay.

Tao Te Ching

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