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Each year the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic awards a prize for the best book published in the previous year dealing with any aspect of the history and culture of the early American republic, 1789-1850. In 1999 a new prize was established for the "best first book by an author" published in the previous year. (If the "best" book is also the author's "first book," only a single prize will be awarded.) To be eligible for either of this year's awards, a book should have a 1999 copyright date.

The SHEAR Book Prize Committee members are Jan Lewis (chair), Sheila Skemp, and David Thomas Konig. One copy of each book nominated should be sent to the following committee members: Professor Jan Lewis (chair), Department of History, Rutgers University, 324 Conklin Hall, 175 University Avenue, Newark, New Jersey 07102-1814; Professor Sheila Skemp, Sarah Isom Center, University of Mississippi, University, Mississippi 38677; and Professor David Thomas Konig, Washington University, Box 1062 - History Department, St. Louis, MO 63130-4899. For additional information, please contact Jan Lewis, at (973)353-1469 or

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