Identity Poetics

English 685/468 ~ Fall 2001 ~ Susan Tichy 

A longer reading list of African-American Poets from the Harlem Renaissance to the 1990s
in Anthology of Modern American Poetry

Those marked * appear on your list of assigned readings.

From the Harlem Renaissance:

We Wear the Mask 37 
When Malindy Sings 38 
*Sympathy 39 
The Haunted Oak 40

*The Black Finger 145
Tenebris 145
Fragment 146

*White Things 162

The Harlem Dancer 315
*To the White Friends 315
*If We Must Die 315
The Lynching 316
America 317
Outcast 318
*Mulatto 318
The Negro’s Tragedy 318

*from Cane 352

*Libretto for the Republic of Libya 418 [Read several pages, including the notes, to get a feel for its scope. If you later decide to write on Brathwaite you should read it all.]

Scotty Has His Say 473
*Slim in Atlanta 476
*Slim in Hell 478
Old Lem 482
Sharecroppers 483 
Southern Cop 484
*Choices 485

*Negro 503
The Cat and the Saxophone 505
*Mulatto 506
White Shadows 508
*Good-bye Christ 512
*Let America Be America Again 515
Letter from Spain 517
*Harlem 523
*Come to the Waldorf Astoria 1230 [in the appendix]
Christ in Alabama 1232 [in the appendeix]
*Dinner Guest: Me 524 

Bennett: To a Dark Girl 528

*Incident 530
*Yet Do I Marvel 531
Near White 531
Tableau 531
*Heritage 532

We of the Streets 584

Transitional poets, whose careers continued into the years of the Black Arts movement (& beyond):
*Middle Passage 691
*Runagate Runagate 696
A Letter from Phyllis Wheatley 699
Aunt Jemima of the Ocean Waves 701

Randall:*Ballad of Birmingham 731

*Piano After War 769, 
*The White Troops Had Their Orders 770
The Progress 772
We Real Cool 772
*Young Afrikans 776
*The Boy Died in My Alley 777
*To Those of My Sisters Who Kept Their Naturals 778
To the Diaspora 779

Black Arts poets: 
*The Idea of Ancestry 968
*For Malcolm a Year After 971
For Black Poets Who Think of Suicide 972
*Son of Msippi 991
*Kef 24 992
Fish 993
Knees of a Natural Man 994

*Black Art 998
*When We’ll Worship Jesus 999 

*Coal 1009
*Call 1011
Outlines 1011

I Am New York City 1026
Do You Think 1027 (assigned week 3)

I Am Accused of Tending to the Past 1029
at the cemetery 1030
*Reply 1031
Poem to My uterus 1032
To My Last Period 1032
Brothers 1033

Song I Want a Witness 1043
Brother John 1044 (assigned week 4)
We assume 1046
Reuben Reuben 1046
*Deathwatch 1047
Dear John Dear Coltrane 1048 (assigned week 4)

I Am a Cowboy in the Boat of Ra 1050

Smith: Malcolm 1062

*how i got ovah 1095
*and when the revolution came 1096
mama’s god 1097

Younger poets:
*Tu Do Street 1142
Communique 1144
Work 1147

What It's Like to Be a Black Girl 1198
Blonde White Women 1199

Rita Dove:
Parsley 1172

Harryette Mullen:
from Trimmings 1187 (assigned week 12)
from S*Perm**K*T 1187 (assigned week 12)

Thylias Moss:
Fullness 1193
There Will Be Animals 1193
Ambition 1194
Crystals 1196


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