A Checklist for Excel projects

Whenever you prepare an Excel workbook containing worksheets, charts, text notes, etc., please check that you have completed these little chores:

  • Blank, unused worksheets in the workbook are deleted.
  • All worksheet tabs are named descriptively.
  • Plotted data fills the space available on the chart.
  • All regression equations use the same x and y terms as the variables that are analyzed (i.e., don’t use “x” and “y”). Include descriptor and units if applicable .
  • For wide column headings (wider than data in columns), use the text wrapping in cell feature.
  • Embedded charts are sized to be readable on-screen and in print.
  • Chart fonts in titles and axes are readable.
  • Variables and their units of measurement are included on the axes titles [e.g. Heat of formation (kJ/mol)].
  • Remove gridlines in x,y scatter charts. Gridlines should appear only on Histograms.
  • Trendlines are formatted so as not to obscure the data points, that is, make them thinner than the default weight.
  • If you are putting the workbook as an HTML file on your web site, check the appearance on another computer, not just your own.