Searching for Chemical Information

Some of these databases require a GMU subscription and so you must access them either on campus or through the GMU Library links.


GMU Libraries Home Page
GMU Libraries Online Catalog
WRLC Library Catalogs
Virtural Library of Virginia - VIVA

Journals and Literature Searching

e-Journals -comprehensive source accessed through the GMU Library. Click 'Collections of Online Journals' to access the big collections such as:
Science Direct (Elsevier) -"the world's largest electronic collection of science, technology and medical full-text and bibliographic information"
American Chemical Society - over 30 peer-reviewed journals and magazines published by ACS
Scirus -a comprehensive search engine specifically designed for finding scientific information on the web
ISI Web of Science (Science Citation Index) -access through library or on campus (subscription-based). Citation and keyword searching

Science Resources Directories

GMU Databases -Links to subscription journals and databases (see above); especially useful if you are off-campus
GMU Chemistry and Biochemistry InfoGuide - One stop for scholarly resources for study and research in Chemistry and Biochemistry; contains many of the resources listed elsewhere on this page.
GMU Web Guides -Print and electronic sources of chemistry information compiled by GMU Librarian
Infomine -the database of (almost) all databases
Intute -evaluated Web resources in science, engineering and technology
Links for Chemists -an index of over 8,075 chemistry resources on the web

Chemistry Information Databases

ChemSpider - database of 21 million chemical structures and related properties

eMolecules - searching the world's chemistry by name or structure

ChemExper - physical properties; includes supplier
NIST - National Institute for Standards and Technology - a large collection of scientific and technical databases
Material Safety Data Sheets - a comprehensive list of sites
Organic Syntheses Database - detailed experimental methods from the 81 annual volumes of Organic Syntheses. [Avoid searching by molecular formula.]

PubChem - three linked databases provide comprehensive substance and structure information along with information on biological activity

SDBS Spectral Database - IR, NMR, MS, physical properties for organic compounds

SIS, NLM Chemical Structure Searching Server - National Library of Medicine

32 Free Chemistry Databases - the title says it all (some are listed above)


Biomolecule Databases

The RCSB Protein Data Bank
HIC-Up hetero (small) molecules found in proteins
Het-PDB Navi another site for hetero molecules
PDB At A Glance proteins organized by function
PDBsum a pictorial database of schematic diagrams of entries in the Protein Data Bank
GenomeNet Ligand Chemical Database includes the chemical reactions between enzymes and substrates
3Dinsight An integrated database and search tool for structure, property and function of biomolecules