CourseWare Download Sites

You will need several applications in the course. They can be downloaded from the hyperlinked sites or installed as part of Microsoft Office or Windows. Except for the Microsoft application components, all of these programs are freeware. Some sites may require you to register, but generally they will not send you e-mail.

If you are unable to install any of these programs at home, for whatever reason, they will be available either in the University computer labs or through me. Please note that the chemistry-specific programs are not available in University computer labs.

MS Office/Windows Add-Ins:

GMU is now using MSO 2007 in the campus computer labs and classrooms. You can buy a student copy at Patriot Computers.

[Install these applications from your original MSO CD.]

  • Equation Editor (if installed, usually in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Equation)
  • Picture Manager (or some other graphics viewer -- see below) (if installed, is with Microsoft Office Tools under Programs)

Mozilla Firefox and Explorer

Firefox and Explorer have different capabilities and you'll need them both. There are also other browsers available.

Adobe Acrobat Reader latest version

Symantec Endpoint Antivirus Software

Secure Shell FTP and Telnet Client (SSH) (Click Secure Shell.)

ChemSketch chemical structure drawing and 3D molecular viewing program
(and a tautomer-generating add-on -- good for CHEM 314!)

DS Visualizer molecular viewing application. You will need to register. In the dropdown boxes, choose "academic", "research", and "student". Use your GMU email address.

SciFinder Scholar The ultimate database for chemistry information. Register through the library for access.

Chem3D for iPad (free) and ChemDraw for iPad (low price).

Other useful software (free)

This site has loads of freeware you might find useful, such as screen capture utilities, web authoring tools and graphics editors (Irfan is a very good graphics viewer.)

TextPad is a useful alternative to Notepad when editing HTML files. The markup tags appear indented and color-coded for easier viewing.

Nvu - web authoring software to create basic web pages.