Yellow is the most luminous of all the colors of the spectrum. It is also the color that captures our attention more than any other color.
Globally, yellow is associated with many positive things such as happiness, optimism, sunshine and spring.
However it is also associated with some negative things such as cowardice, betrayal and danger/caution.
In addition to the global associations, there are other meanings specific to certain cultures.
For example, yellow is associated with the deity in many religions such as Hinduism and the religions of Ancient Egypt.
Yellow is the symbol for liberalism in many countries. Yellow signifies sadness in Greece, courage in Japan and jealousy in France.
In China, adult movies are referred to as yellow movies.
The color yellow affects us physically. Yellow can stimulate mental processes and the nervous system.
It also activates memory and encourages communication.
Although there are many positive meanings and associations for the color yellow, this color should be used cautiously.
Although yellow is a warm and cheerful color you could end up with the problem of ‘too much of a good thing’.
Too much yellow can cause anxiety, apprehension and agitation. Yellow is a good color for children’s products and adult fun and leisure products.
Yellow should not be used to advertise expensive products for men because yellow has the connotation of being cheap and unsophisticated.
Some things in our current culture that are associated with yellow are:
Sponge Bob, school buses, Yellow Cabs, the Tour de France winner’s jersey, happy faces, post-its, and danger/caution signs.