This spoiler, in addition to the humorous shirts and verse, includes some that are serious, which I designed with a feeling of outrage.

Spoilers for Shirts

My other car is an A-10 . refers to the Fairchild Republic A-10 Thunderbolt II, commonly known as the Warthog, an extremely effective ground support airplane.

My other car is an SR-72 . refers to the Lockheed Martin SR-72, colloquially referred to as Son of Blackbird, a hypersonic intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) airplane twice as fast as the SE-71.

"Which part of ( γ μ ( i μ - e c A μ ) - m c ) ψ = 0 don't you understand?" asks about the Dirac wave equation for the electron with minimal coupling to the electromagnetic field.

The DOX diagrams are puns on the nomenclature in organic chemistry for benzene rings with two radicals; they are designated as ortho, meta or para depending on whether the radicals are adjacent to, separated from or opposite to each other.

Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin is the 10th Chairman of the Russian State Duma. On 6 July 2022, Volodin warned that Russia could demand back Alaska, which I view as stupidity above and beyond the call of duty.

"The only Trigonometry I ever needed to know" refers to Leonhard Euler 's formula e i θ = cos θ + i sin θ

"Which part of R μ ν - 1 2 R g μ ν + Λ g μ ν = 8 π G c 4 T μ ν don't you understand?" asks about the field equation , with a Cosmological constant , of General Relativity .

The Hessian matrix ( f 2 x i x j ) is the matrix of second partial derivatives. Its trace, ∇⋅∇ƒ, often occurs in wave equations of scalar fields. Not to be confused with the Jacobian matrix, ( f i x j ) or with the Wronskian determinant, | d i - 1 f i d x i - 1 | . The caption My father's manse has many Hessians is a play on words based on a sentence in the Christian scriptures, John 14:2

1 c cabin d cabin is a pun on the word log and the word sea. 1 x d x is the natural logarithm of x, or log x, Usually written as ln to indicate a base of e. so 1 cabin d cabin is log cabin and 1 c cabin d cabin is log cabin over c (sea), or houseboat.

A large cardinal in set theory is a cardinal number whose existence has to be stipulated by an axiom. The Hebrew letter ℵ and the greek letter Ω are conventionally used to designate a cardinal number and the first uncountable ordinal number , respectively. The nomenclature ℵΩ refers to the Ωth transfinite cardinal, counting from zero. Technically 2Ω is not a large cardinal, but it is large enough for purposes of the joke.

Sophie Germain, , Sofia Kovalevskaya, , Maryam Mirzakhani , Amalie Emmy Noether , and Karen Keskulla Uhlenbeck , were female mathematicians; Emmy revolutionized Abstract Algebra. David Hilbert , and Felix Klein were German mathematicians who championed her. Maryam Mirzakhani was awarded a Fields medal and Karen Uhlenbeck was awarded an Abel Prize , both roughly equivalent to a Nobel prize.

некультурный (nekulturniy) is a Russian pejorative meaning uncultured but with much stronger connotations and is a fitting epithet for people behind the Bucha massacre.

"A man's P should exceed his V" refers to a phrase in Andrea del Sarto by Robert Browning. P and V are operations on semaphores requesting and releasing access to a serialized object. The diagram, as with DOX, is a chemical pun for metaphor, with an e to suggest semaphore.

The Internet Engineering Task Force. (IETF) has a tradition of publishing humorous Requests For Comments. (RFCs) on April Fools Day. RFC 1149, A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian Carriers, is a classic from 1990. The text of the shirt gives a whole new meaning to the concept of dropped packets. Sponsored by People Eating Transmission Animals (PETA).

Antonín Leopold Dvořák and Bedřich Smetana were Czech composers of the 19th and early 20th Century. Musically they were not small Czechs but giants.

Paul Joseph Goebbels was the Nazi Minister of propoganda. The stylized GOP elephant refers to the US Republican Party. . Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin was a Lieutenant Colonel in the KGB and the director of the FSB before becoming dictator of Russia. Prominent GOP members defended President Trump's love affair with Putin and the January 6th insurrection.

Spoilers for Songs

GOP Treason is a parody of "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Outa My Hair" from Rodgers and Hammerstein 's musical South Pacific and reflects my reaction to Republican defense of Donald Trump's Russia ties and sympathy for the January 6 insurrection. .

Michael Kent Braun is a senator who, among other things, spoke against Loving v. Virginia. although he later tried to walk back his comments. The verse is a parody of The Coasters' 1959 song Charlie Brown.

Lying "Fake News" is a complaint about Donald Trump'ss big lie. The verse is a parody of "On a tree by a river" ("Willow, tit-willow") from Gilbert and Sullivan's comic opera The Mikado>.

My Favorite Things is a parody of My Favorite Things from Rodgers and Hammerstein 's musical The Sound of Music , dedicated to all the fen who appreciate filk. It has references, explained on a separate page, to stories by these fantasy and science fiction authors:

The covers shown include magazines containing the original versions of some stories,

The humor in PUT Process will only be intelligible to those with experience using SMP to maintain MVS, or at least software descended from OS/360. The incorrect supersedes in the TSO Command Package and the JES2 prerequisites present only in the comments are real, and were not funny at the time, but the symptoms were invented for humorous effect and scansion. These days the Program Update Tape (PUT) has been supplanted by the RSU, but the fundamental things still apply, as time goes by .