
Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz
שמואל בן ל״ביש

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Welcome to the homepage of Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz,

E-mail to the owner of this account may be addressed to smetz3@GMU.EDU.

Good Bosses

The Internet is full of stories about bad bosses. I believe that it is time that the good bosses got some notice.


You may be a gaslighter if you say

Mind you, many of these are true some of the time, so don’t automatically discount them, but treat them as red flags.


The danger of DHMO

Some T-shirt designs I’ve come up with, most of which are available from CafePress

Cartoons I enjoy

Some verse I get a chuckle from
Warning: here there be sarcasm and politics.

Miscellaneous funny writings


I’m married with two daughters and have eclectic but idiosyncratic interests. Among other things, I enjoy.

  1. Bridge, although I haven’t played in years.
  2. Chess, although I haven’t played in years.
  3. Classical music, especially large orchestral works of the Romantic period and later. I don’t, however, go in for things like 12 tone.
  4. Computer architectures
  5. Ethnic cuisine.
  6. Fantasy, preferably humorous
  7. Mathematics
  8. Musical Theatre
  9. Operating systems
  10. Pets - I’m one of those people that like both cats and dogs, as well as some less common species.
  11. Programming languages
  12. Puns and other word play
    1. Ferdinand Feghoot
      Through Time and Space with Ferdinand Feghoot ,
      Reginald Bretnor
    2. Haddocks’ Eyes , Through the Looking-Glass, chapter VIII
    3. Uncleftish Beholding , Poul Anderson, Analog Science Fiction and Fact. Vol. 109, no. 13. Davis Publications. pp. 132-135.
  13. Science
  14. Science Fiction, preferably hard
  15. Theatre

I’ve attended Cass Technical High School in Detroit, Wayne State University" (WSU) in Detroit and State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY/AB), now University at Buffalo, in Amherst.


I am a senior systems programmer and software developer with experience on a wide variety of languages and platforms. I have participated in the design and development of two operating systems, and am familiar with low level details of several communications protocols. My experience is heaviest on MVS and VM, but is not limited to IBM platforms.

For more information on my background, click on brief résumé, recent CV or full CV.

Sample code:



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דַבֵּר אֶמֶת לְכֺּחַ

I Have a Dream

I have a dream that we elect a Black, female, handicaped, Hispanic, Jewish, left handed, short president and nobody finds it unusual.

Stop the hypocrisy

Antisemitism is not a progressive value.

Borrow-and-spend is not a conservative value.

Male bashing is not a feminiost value.

Misogeny is not a male-pride value.

Omerta is not a family value.

You can’t Make America Great Again by attacking American aspirations, core value, ideals and institutions.

You can’t protect women by taking away their rights.

You can’t stregthen our national defense by slandering officers serving our country.

You’re not pro-life if you oppose government medical and nutritional assistance for infants and pregnant women.

In the wake of Iran-Contra and the January 6, 2021 coup attempt

Some of these are available as tee shirts from CafePress

In the wake of russian war crimes in Ukraine

Support your local police - but hold them accountable for misconduct.

Insist that

Fight sexism

You can’t fight sexism by being sexist. You may be a sexist if you:

Support our troops, not the brass.

Demand that Congress raise taxes to fund better care for veterans, low ranking personnel and their families.

Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose:

All lives matter - stop the slaughter!

If they bomb your ashram, my church isn’t safe.
If they bomb your church, my mosque isn’t safe.
If they bomb your mosque, my synagog isn’t safe.
If they bomb your synagog, my temple isn’t safe.
If they bomb your temple, my ashram isn’t safe.

I’m well aware that some countries, e.g., China, India, Iran, Pakistan, Russia, Turkey, have a much worser record than we do, but as a US citizen I am more aware of and more ashamed of the outrages at home.

The Henry A. Wallace Police Crime Database contains far more cases than I can list here, but some samples are:

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