"I, myself, was always recognized . . . as the "slow one" in the family. It was quite true, and I knew it and accepted it. Writing and spelling were always terribly difficult for me. My letters were without originality. I was . . . an extraordinarily bad speller and have remained so until this day."
-- Agatha Christie


January 2010

Author in a peddle-paddle kayak


The goal statements described before, basically remain the same but some short term goals have emerged.

I.       Proposal Course- Spring 2010

II.      DISSERTATION STUDY- Summer 2010
          I will use a single subject design to determine the effects of using picture-to-text and word prediction with students having autism during a summer writing project for 2010. Would using picture support help these students write more coherent sentences and paragraphs?

III.    Later on, I may like to do a qualitative study students who use assistive technology successfully.  I would like to better understand what encourages them to use AT, what challenges they have overcome, and what advice they might want to share with other students and messages they would like to give parents and teachers.    


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Research 06