Instructor Guide

Revised: May 2006

SOLO Software
Writing Productivity Tool




By Susan H. Kenney


Table of Contents


Instructor Module Overview.. 1

Estimated Time to Complete Course Wrap-Up. 1

Module Goal 1

Module Objective ......................................................................................... 2

Methodology.............................................................................................. 2

References................................................................................................. 2

Instructional Materials................................................................................. 3

Equipment................................................................................................. 3

Review Previous Lesson................................................................................... 4

Sharing Insights......................................................................................... 4

Hook- Japanese Kanji Simulation Activity...................................................... 5

Sharing Insights......................................................................................... 5

Introduction to Draft:Builder 7

Create a file. 7

Insert Topic............................................................................................... 8

Insert Subtopic 8

Small Group Practice................................................................................... 9

Formative Assessment................................................................................... 10

Independent demonstration ...................................................................... 10

Course Course Wrap-Up & Evaluations........................................................ 11








SOLO: Draft:Builder Overview

Estimated Time
to Complete
SOLO Outline

35 minutes


Following is a suggested time plan for this module. The instructor is encouraged to adapt it as needed.





Review previous lesson

  2 minutes


Hook- Japanese Kanji

  8 Minutes


Insert Topics & Subtopics

  7 minutes


Small Group Practice

10 minutes


Formative Assessment

  5 minutes


Hook for next lesson

  3 minutes









Module Goal

This module is one of 6 modules in a series to introduce the learner to the written production software called SOLO.  This software is to be used to help struggling writers follow the writing process.  After completing all six modules, teachers with special needs will be able to train students to use this software to complete written language assignments and prepare for the Direct Writing portion of the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL), Virginia’s State Wide Assessment. 


The focus of this module is for the learner to be able to create an outline on a topic with a minimum of four subtopics using the Draft:Builder portion of SOLO.




Module Objectives

When this module is successfully completed, given a topic and a computer with the software program called Draft:Builder by Don Johnston, the participant will be able to:

t        Open Draft:Builder and

t        Use it to create an outline





t        Instructor presentation

t        Instructor Modeling

t        Small group “Hands-On”   practice

t        Individual “Hands-On” demonstration







t        Participant Guide

t        Examples

t        Handouts Tab Items:

         Simulation – Japanese Kanji Activity

         Presentation Handouts

t        Reference

         Don Johnston Website

t        Distributed Items (to be provided by instructor):

         Draft:Builder Tutorial

         Course Evaluations





t        Laptop with SOLO Software

t        Projector

t        Desktop computer with SOLO Software for each participant


Review of Previous Lesson and Japanese Kanji Activity

Review Previous Lesson

(Time: 2 minutes)


Review Previous Lesson

Show slide Draft:Builder-2.

Slide -2

 Ask for main points of previous lesson and resolve outstanding questions.

Note:  the number of positive experiences to the number of difficulties.-

Learners respond

·        Review Information remembered

·        Ask questions

·        Respond to prompts on the screen




Japanese Kanji Activity

 (Time: 8 minutes)

Japanese Kanji Activity

Pass out:  Japanese Kanji handouts and pencils to every one - no erasers.  Blank sheet stapled on top-  ¼ the handouts should have English translation.

Tell: Here is quiz.  Please don’t look at it until so instructed.

Note:  the number of learners who can’t resist looking!) 

Give: 2 minutes to read the directions-

Read directions out loud:  Tell:  Papers will be evaluated for both neatness and accuracy.  Separate papers. Begin now! 


Show: Slide 7


Slide 7

Ask:  questions on the slide.

Say:  Often our students feel that way when they look at a quiz or an activity that is supposed to be simple!




Show: Slide 8


Slide 8

Facilitate Discussion:  Compare responses with student experiences.

Say: Japanese students would begin immediately.  The symbols are elementary … in his/her head.

Many of our students with Special Needs see English as the symbols only.  A paper with English symbols is almost as frustrating!  When given the audio to accompany the words… it makes sense and they can begin the assignment, too! 


·        Read the directions when given the cue.

·        Begin Assignment








·        Comment about simulation experience.  Respond to points on the slide.  Discuss experiences compared to knowledge of student responses to written assignments.











·        Discussion continues.


Introduction to Draft:Builder


(Time: 7 minutes)


Insert Topics & Subtopics

Show slides 9 -- 11


Slide 9


Slide 10

Model: Create a file in Draft:Builder

Circulate: Trouble Shoot misconceptions, questions, & erroneous actions.

Show slides 12 -- 14


Slide 12

Model: Insert topic in Draft:Builder

Circulate: Trouble Shoot misconceptions, questions, & erroneous actions.


Slide 13


Slide 14

Model: Insert subtopics in Draft:Builder

Circulate: Trouble Shoot misconceptions, questions, & erroneous actions.

















After watching the instructor go though each step, learners will follow the steps to create a file in Draft:Builder.







After watching the instructor go though each step, learners will follow the steps to create an outline in Draft:Builder.






Small Group Practice

(Time: 10 minutes)



 Resolve outstanding questions.

Show slide 15


Slide 15

Say:  Find a partner and create an outline.  I will be around to help if you have any questions.

 Circulate: Trouble Shoot misconceptions, questions, & erroneous actions.

Say:  Please share your outlines.  Include any difficulties you had as well as solutions you found.

Make Comments when needed

Answer questions.

Ask:  Are there any other questions or comments? 







Learning partners will:

      Create several outlines.

      Discuss the process as they work.

      Ask questions if needed.




Partners will take turns sharing about the practice session.













Formative Assessment


(Time: 5 minutes)


Show slide 16


Slide 16

Say: Now it is time try it on your own.  Follow the directions on this slide.

Learners will complete an outline independently and submit it to the instructor.


The outline must be completed with Draft:Builder.  It must have one topic with 4 related subtopics. 

Feedback will be given at the beginning of the next lesson. 


Lesson Wrap-up and Hook for the Next Module


(Time: 3 minutes)


Show slides  17 – 20

Slide 17

Note- This time is allotted for Review of the lesson, resource identification, and instructor feedback.

Review each slide, field questions, and reveal more information that will be covered in the next class.

Slide 18


Slide 19

Say: Here are some online resources.  If you have questions, Alexandria’s Augmentative Communication and Assistive Technology ACAT Team can be contacted by calling

(703)706-4500 ext. 2627


Slide 20

Say: See you tomorrow.  We will learn how to add notes to our outlines in preparation for writing a draft.


















Learners will ask questions and make comments.





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