To Grandmother's House You Go
You are sitting in your room trying to decide what to do for the day when your mother calls you down to the kitchen.
"You're grandmother is sick," she says. "You have to take this basket of food to her and keep her company."
While this doesn't seem like the ideal way to spend your day, you decide that it is better not to argue with your mother, since she'd probably end up winning in the end. So you take the basket from her and get ready for the walk to your grandmother's house. 
As you are about to leave the house, your mother tells you, "Make sure to keep to the path the entire way. You don't know what kind of trouble you can get into on the way there."
You assure her that you'll stick to the path and head out of the door. Once out of her sight though, you think that a shortcut would get you to your grandmother's house much faster. Plus, it might add some excitement to an otherwise boring day. Should you listen to your mothers warning and stay on the path?
Of course, you always listen to your mother. What she doesn't know won't hurt her.