To Grandmother's House You Go
Humpty Dumpty
As you continue along, you hear a commotion a little way off the path. Something was definitely causing a lot of excitement. You  decided that you would go and check it out, just to see what was happening. After all, you still had plenty of time to get to your grandmother's before lunch.
You walk over to where all the noise is coming from and see a pretty large crowd gathered around a wall. While you think to yourself that the middle of a forest is a pretty random place to find a brick wall, you move closer to see what's going on.
As you reach the wall, you see that a large egg is teetering on the edge. It seemed that he was sitting up there for a while and didn't know just how to get down now. As you move closer into the crowd, the egg tilts dangerously, and not being able to regain his balance, falls off of the wall onto the ground where he shattered.
All the king's horses and all the king's men ask for your help to try to put him together again.
You say that you're really no good at fixing things and make your way back to the path to get to your grandmother's. Figuring that it will be like a puzzle, you decide to help them.