Moving Gishta into the Global Economy


Overall, we believe that allowing small farmers to enter into the global market with websites selling the different parts of the gishta plant for its different uses will greatly help the country’s economy. Studies have shown that one of the reasons Ethiopia has not made as great a breakthrough into the global market as other countries have is because it is focusing on only a small number of products. This will help to increase the number of products they export from the country. It will also increase the number of trading partners. By exporting to more countries, they will become more prominent in the global market.

Exporting wild apple custard plants will also benefit Ethiopian society. The small farmers will be the ones operating the website and selling their crops. This means that they will be the ones directly benefiting from the sales. Their standard of living will increase proportionally. Also, with the profits they make from their sales, they will be able to increase their production of gishta, thus increasing further sales.

Because Ethiopia already has access to internet connections, technology will not present a major problem. Although some farmers may not have direct access to internet through their homes, it will not be too difficult for them to gain access to a computer. This allows them to focus the majority of their energies on growing the plants.