Work Address: Department of Chemistry, MS3E2
George Mason University
Fairfax, Virginia 22030
Work Telephone: 703-993-3848 (Voice mail)
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 1975-1979 B. S., 1979, Biology
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH 1979-1983 Ph. D., 1983, Biochemistry
Postdoctoral fellowships
Department of Cell Biology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, DNA Replication of Active and Inactive Genes in Mammalian Cells, 1984-1989.
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, Myc-family Gene Function in Mouse Development, 1989-1992
Academic Honors and Awards
B. S., Biology, With Distinction George Mason University, 1979
NIH Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship, USPHS from the National Cancer Institute, 1985-1988
NIH Immunooncology Training Grant, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 1989-1990
Academic Appointments
Graduate Teaching and Research Associate, The Ohio State University, 1979-1983
Assistant Professor of Biochemistry, Temple University School of Medicine, 1992-1998
Assistant Professor of Fels Institute for Cancer Research and Molecular Biology, Temple University School of Medicine, 1992-1998
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, George Mason University, 1999-present
Previous support
American Lung Association of Pennsylvania, Kimi Hatton Ph. D., Principal Investigator.
National Science Foundation "Characterization of L-myc expression and analysis of the null L-myc phenotype" Kimi Hatton, Ph. D., Principal Investigator.
National Science Foundation, "Acquisition of Equipment for shared embryonic stem cell and transgenic animal facility" Kimi Hatton, Ph. D., P. I.
Other extra mural Research Support
Temple University
Principal author, organizer and coordinator for N. S. F. (awarded) and N. I. H. Construction Grants.
Principal author, organizer, and coordinator for supplemental competitive N. I. H. equipment grant for transgenic and stem cell facility, Core Program on Carcinogenesis
Principal author for supplemental N. I. H. request for Confocal Scanning microscope, Core program on Carcinogenesis.
Recipent, Award for creative research and writing, Jason Harvey apprentice (internal competition, through the Provost's office, George Mason University, 2000.)
"A-myb Null mutant transgenic animals and uses thereof," Antonio Toscani, Kimi Hatton and E. P. Reddy, Inventors, provisional application filed April 15, 1997
National Science Foundation - Ad hoc mail grant reviewer
Reviewer for Oncogene, UK and USA
American Cancer Society Institutional Grant, internal review group study section 1995- 1997
University- All-representative University Faculty Senate, 1994 -1997, Medical School Representative, elected member
School -Temple University Medical School Laboratory Animal Resources (TUMSLAR), 1994-1998
Graduate Studies Committee, Alternate for Dr. Barbara Hoffman
Departmental - Admissions and Recruitment for the Fels Institute Graduate Program in Molecular Biology, Chairperson, 1994 -1998
Animal Care and Use, 1992-1998
Kirby Symposium, Judge, 1995