Interdisciplinary Center for Economic Science at George Mason University 

Rong Rong  荣蓉

Ph.D. Candidate, Interdisciplinary Center for Economic Science,
George Mason University
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star network formationWe human (animals and plants too!!) live in an interconnected world and more so than ever before. I, like many other social scientists, am constantly amazed by how effective these connections are at shaping our social and economic life. I spent most of my time trying to understand the fundamental principles behind social networks. My academic quest, therefore,  revolves around this theme as well.

How do social networks form? Which topology is stable under individual rationality? When do they maximizes social efficiency? Why some conditions
in natural environments facilitates their emergence but some not? How could we utlize these conditions to help achieve better economic outcomes?

My current research uses laboraory experiments to address the above questions under a variety of incentive settings. In one study, I show that certain institutional conditions, such as investment limits and the right of first refusal, promote the formation of efficient star networks . In another study, I show that social identity facilitates the formation of truth telling networks.

Finally, I analyze these network data using cluster analysis to classify the behavior of experimental participants. In particular, I develop a new procedure to find the optimal penalty parameter in the classical Calinski-Harabatz index.

        Apart from network formation and network data analysis, I am generally interested in using lab and field experiments to study individual decision making in the context of markets, institutions and under a variety of information conditions. My research are primarily in areas broadly defined as behavioral economics, information economics, applied microeconomic theory and applied econometrics.
       You can find out more about my current research projects and future academic plans in
  my research statement.

Dissertation Research:

        Title: Endogenous Network Formation: Experiments and Methods
Daniel Houser (advisor), Tyler Cowen
Carlos Ramirez, Robert Axtell

         Job Market Paper: "Growing Stars: A Laboratory Analysis of Network Formation", with Daniel Houser.

The acquisition and dispersion of information, a critical aspect of economic decisions, can occur through a network of agents (Jackson, 2009). Empirical and theoretical findings suggest that an efficient information dispersion network takes the form of a star: small numbers of agents gather information and distribute it to a large group. Despite these findings, controlled tests of this theory failed to find evidence of the emergence of such networks with an exception of Goeree et al (2008), which reports frequent star network formation with ex ante heterogeneous agents and perfect information. Empirical evidence suggests that these conditions may not always be feasible in natural environments (Feick and Price, 1987; Conley and Udry, 2010). Complement to earlier experimental research, we study institutional conditions under which star networks emerge in the presence of ex ante homogeneous agents. We find that investment limits and the “right-of-first-refusal,” both of which regularly coexist with star networks in natural environments, have a surprisingly strong ability to promote the formation of star networks with ex ante homogeneous agents. Using a cluster analysis, we trace the large positive effects of these institutions to the impact they have on individuals’ behavioral rules. In particular, we find that these institutions encourage individual rationality as well as positive habits, which then lead to the frequent and stable emergence of star networks. Our results may have important implications for environments characterized by ex ante homogeneous agents, e.g., those found in technology, marketing and agricultural sectors.


China Bashing: Does Trade Drive the 'Bad' News about China in the U.S.?, with Carlos Ramirez, Review of International Economics, Vol. 20, Issue 2, pp. 350-363, 2012,

Research in Progress:

Cluster Analysis for Social Network Data, with Daniel Houser
Money or Friends?: Social Identity and Truth Telling in Social Networks, with Daniel Houser
Risk Attitudes and Job Contact Networks: Theory and Simulation, with Daniel Houser
Extreme Paternalism: Theory and Lab Experiment on Strategic Information Transmission with Bans and Requirements, with Robin Hanson
I’ll Be There: A Natural Field Experiment on Keeping and Breaking Promises, with Jared Barton

George Mason University |  Department of Economics
Interdisciplinary Center for Economic Science (ICES)