Annotations assignment
Due: October 6 at 1:30 ("hand in" your assignment by sending me its URL by the beginning of our class on that day).

Part I.  Read through the Technology in English Concentrations (TEC) text annotation module.

Part II..  Begin your annotation by responding to any five of the following six prompts.  I would like you to work on one of the following two poems: "Facing It" by Yusef Komunyakaa or "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus.  Make sure you read the poem that you choose many times as you work on this project.

1.  Annotate any unfamiliar references in the poem (e.g. historical or geographical) as well as any unfamiliar words (even if the word is familiar to you, explain a word you think some other general adult reader might not know).

2. Annotate any words, phrases, or sentences in the poem that are at first difficult to construe (e.g., because the syntax is unusual, words are elided, or references are left ambiguous).  Paraphrase them into standard English.  Note any points at which, because of ambiguous syntax, there could be more than one meaning.

3. Annotate three words that are rich in precision and/or connotative meaning. Give possible meanings or connotations of each word and suggest why they are important.  Consider whether a word has more than one possible meaning or connotation.

4. Annotate three figures of speech (e.g. metaphors, similes, images or symbols) in the poem and explain their significance.  Why is this figure of speech chosen to represent its subject?

5. Annotate one chain of repeated or opposing words, ideas, or figures of speech can you find in the poem.  (A chain should consist of at least three words related or opposed to one another)

6.  Annotate a word, phrase or passage in the poem in terms of one other kind of annotation suggested on the preparation page or the Annotation 3 of the TEC annotation module (e.g. tone, sounds).

For each annotation, note which category of annotation (#s1-6) that annotation satisfies.

Part III.  Following the instructions beginning with "plan your hypertext," create a hypertext annotation of your poem, using the annotations you prepare in part II.

Criteria for evaluation:

A. Although this assignment asks you to develop hypertext, I will not be grading your work on its web flashiness. 
B. I will be grading the work on the sensitivity and richness with which you annotate the poem--in other words, the content of your hypertext.
C.  However, I will require the following technical skills:

  • Your assignment should be accessible to anyone via a web browser
  • The annotations should be links and they should all work
  • Text should be formatted for easy reading by the use of tables.
D.  All the usual expectations about clear and concise writing and proofreading apply.