
Projects in Computer Graphics.



Bouncing Box   [ Spring 2011 ]

Implemented partly as a course project for Computer Graphics at George Mason University, the project is a 3D game where boxes bouncing and moving around by the influence of gravity have to be shot and destroyed. The whole game and its engine were created from scratch in C++ using the OpenGL API along with the FreeImage library (to load images). The Scenegraph, Newtonian motion, Dynamic AABB Collision Detection, FPS-style camera movement, Billboarding and Lighting are some of the features that were coded into the game engine.

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Volumetric Rendering   [ Fall 2011 ]

Implemented Volume Rendering as a project in Interactive Graphics course at George Mason University, where a set of 512 MRI images of a knee are given as an input and represented as a volume on screen by the C++, OpenGL program. The volume is occupied by a 3D grid of voxels which are given opacity and color values based on the input images.


Gray Image Colorization   [ Spring 2010 ]

Implemented as a final year project in Undergrad at Mumbai University. A Matlab based project to colorize a grayscale image with minimal human intervention. A grayscale image along with color cues marked on the image are accepted by the algorithm which determines the color boundaries and intelligently adds color information to the image. The color boundaries are detected by sudden or sharp changes in luminance. The project successfully converted most grayscale images to colored ones with the exceptions of images with unclear object boundaries.


MinusG   [ Summer 2011 ]

A 2D Mario Bros style game where the player must shoot enemy characters and reach the end of the level, with one twist: jump too high and the gravity reverses! Created from scratch by a team of 2, whithin 48 hours using C++ and OpenGL. Features include a very simplistic AI for the NPCs, AABB Collision Detection, two way gravity etc.

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