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Celebration of Teaching's

A Celebration Of Teaching
Evaluation Summary
Spring 2001
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Rebecca Fox's Home Page


Total Respondents: 2??

The best thing about this conference was…

· Getting a good understanding of what it takes to be a good teacher.
· There was a tremendous amount of very useful information. :-)
· I learned about the different ways of learning and now I know ways I can learn better.
· I got to work with new people!
· I learned four steps teachers need to use for all the students to learn.
· Learning new things and effective ways of teaching.
· The variety of teachers with different personality's and technique.
· I learned how to best incorporate different learning styles into one lesson to make a useful lesson plan.
· They taught us to stand up if you fall & don't quit. The poems, stories, etc…
· The food, the outreach, and all the people.
· Hearing the Inspirational speakers.
· The diversity of the presenters and they had very positive and motivating things to say.
· Mr. L, he seemed like an extraordinary person/teacher.
· When Mr. F discussed how his family life is interweaved into his teaching. Hearing the stories that keep them teaching. He is a great speaker.
· The ability to talk to some people who actually love teaching.
· Learning the ups and downs to being a teacher.
· That everyone was very outgoing, teachers and students didn't feel uncomfortable.
· Hearing from young/new teachers.
· The energy.
· Being able to get answers from real teachers and having them share their experiences.
· The skit that they put together and the interaction between the audience and the presenter.
· I got to hear teachers talk about how they manage their classrooms, and it was very interesting and knowledgeable.
· They shared examples of what can and will happen when becoming a teacher.
· The way the presenters worked together.
· It was creative. They were very entertaining and they got our attention. :-) It wasn't a regular boring lecture. I enjoyed it, learned something and it kept me awake.
· Dr. Wheelan's speech and the session. She was wonderful!!!
· They worked with the students instead of packing us all into room and doing all the talking.
· Being with people who are interested in making a difference in others lives.
· The opportunity to learn useful knowledge and gain resources about scholarships, financial aid, and money for college.
· The new things I learned that can help my future in the education field.
· Having a small group providing a more personal session.
· The stories that Mr. N told were very interesting.
· The true stories really made me see some things differently.

Did the conference make a difference in your attitude about teaching? Please explain!

· Yes! It cemented my career choice.
· It made me think that if teachers did more hands on things students will understand more.
· Only that it gave me more confidence because I now know how to make a good lesson plan.
· Yes, because I thought you just taught, and you can do a lot of other stuff.
· It got me more excited about teaching.
· I am sure now that teaching is what I would like to do because I want to make a difference.
· Yes it did. It made me think about others and how it can change a person's life.
· It showed that teaching is all about helping people.
· Yes, I have been told that teaching is not rewarding, but now I know that it is!
· Yes, because it made me see that some things are more important than the subject matter.
· It gave a good reason why teachers came back every year to teach.
· Yes, it gave me hope!
· Yes, completely. It furthered my aspirations to teach. Hearing the stories of previous students and how teaching can impact students was very inspirational.
· It really made a difference. It made me appreciate the occupation more.
· It has embedded a deeper respect for teachers, thankfulness for the good ones I have.
· It has made me want to keep trying.
· Yes, it gave both good and bad qualities of teaching.
· It made the teacher experience feel more real.
· Yes, I never realized how much support was there for me.
· It made me want to help and teach kids the most I can.
· Yes, especially since Ms. S was so energetic and the others were extremely understanding and helpful.
· Yes, because teaching take a lot of patience and love.
· The thought of not only being a teacher, but also a mentor and counselor all in one is amazing.
· It makes me think the teachers care.
· Yes! I saw how much the speakers enjoy what they do!
· The guest speaker drew in her audience and I was personally touched by the story.
· Yes, they made me think I could do it.

Some ideas that I can take back to my school from this conference are…

· Not to stop caring because that makes you a good teacher.
· In teaching different needs are to be met. Everyone learns differently.
· Respect for my teachers and good ways of breaching topics.
· How to make a better lesson plan. To give more respect to my teachers.
· The four ways of teaching.
· I need to be a little more patient with the people who learn slower than me.
· To respect your teachers because they work really hard.
· The different styles of teaching and learning (Modalities).
· As far as teaching goes I have to be organized.
· I can take back everything we talked about and the handouts for future reference.
· How important good teachers as well as teaching is.
· To remember that I'm not the only person who the child has seen and his/her attitude may reflect her/his home life.
· That you teach children, not math, science, or English.
· Go into it with your heart and handle things as they come.
· American- "I can" :-)
· The joy that these teachers have just because they teach others to be successful and knowing that you have made a difference in someone's life and how it effects that one person's life.
· Teaching is not done only in school. It's done in your whole life.
· Teachers have bad days too. Teachers want to know if they have made a difference!
· Routine, Interact, Plan, Teach Responsibility, Each time you fall get up, don't quit.
· Just one person makes a difference.
· Trying to have positive relationships on a personal level with students.
· To remember that we all are teachers and students in life. And that everything around us can impact other's lives.
· The value of education.
· How much emotional support is needed for teaching kids.
· That teacher's are your friend.
· When I teach make sure I have a life outside of school.
· Teaching can be stressful but it is also a great learning experience.
· Take my time, be patient, and love what I do!
· That teacher's don't do things to make our life harder. They do the best they can to provide us with education.
· We could give examples, as they did to help others enjoy teaching.
· To maybe go into a school and observe children during their day.
· Be easy on my teachers. But let them know my critique on them also.
· Interacting with students will get their attention; it did with me.
· I loved Dr. Wheelan. Her speech was excellent. The story was the best.
· How to become a teacher and the long run or immediate benefits of becoming a teacher.
· Idea's to make more students want to be a teacher.
· Places you can get scholarships, grants, and financial aid and that a lot of money goes unused.
· Take advantage of resources available. Complacency will get you hurt.
· How many teachers still enjoy their job.
· The "career center is an excellent source."
· Don't stop at just schooling do internships, volunteer, etc…
· Get in some hands on teaching programs i.e. summer camps.
· To start keeping a portfolio of things I do volunteering with kids.
· That we should treat teachers and subs better than we do.
· I need to check on field experiences in colleges that I am considering.

Rating Summary

5= Excellent - 1= Poor

Overall Conference Rating: 4.7

Small Group Presentation Ratings:

Organization- 4.9
Presenter(s)- 4.89
Materials- 4.5
Opportunities for Interaction- 4.8

Organization- 4.85
Presenter(s)- 4.9
Materials- 4.5
Opportunities for Interaction- 4.1


Organization- 4.6
Presenter(s)- 4.7
Materials- 4.4
Opportunities for Interaction- 4.5

Organization- 4.6
Presenter(s)- 4.7
Materials- 4.4
Opportunities for Interaction- 4.5

Organization- 4.6
Presenter(s)- 4.7
Materials- 4.7
Opportunities for Interaction- 4.5

Organization- 4.6
Presenter(s)- 4.8
Materials- 4.4
Opportunities for Interaction- 4.4

Other comments…

· This was a good experience I hope you keep it going because others should be able to enjoy it too.
· Nice! It taught a lot. I am glad I came. I look forward to next year.
· Really enjoyed hearing from Special Ed. Teachers because that's where I'm focusing!
· This was a great experience and helped me to make an important decision. Thank you for inviting me.
· Great Seminar! :-)
· I have a short attention span, but this was the most exciting and overall best presentation I have been to, the stories were interesting and I loved hearing the speakers.
· Wonderful; thank you for your time and effort!
· Thank you for helping us have a better understanding.
· I came last year also and I really enjoyed them. I look forward to them. Thanks.
· I am glad to know that I am not the only one who had a desire in my heart to teach.
· Thank you!!!! It was excellent!! It was extremely informational.
· This event was very well planned and I thank you for it.
· It is great to make people aware about wonderful professions like teaching and also helping students in finding financial aid and scholarships.
· Very good, would have liked more time to share. We had too much time before the workshop started, maybe we could have had an extra workshop instead.
· I had a GREAT time! And it was fun! :-)
· I give everyone here a lot of credit; I will never forget this experience.
· Everyone seems passionate about teaching. I see that you are all very motivated teachers.
· Thank you for having this event and for helping me learn more about teaching.
· I was really impressed with the keynote speaker! She was a good motivator and had good sense.
· I was impressed with the speakers; they were very friendly.

Teacher/ Staff

Total Respondents: 10

The best thing about this conference was…

· Small Group sessions
· The keynote speaker and the workshop session
· Workshops, speaker, and video. Everything was well done.
· Keynote address was excellent and thought evoking.
· The motivation that every speaker has provided the students.
· Keynote speaker and workshop sessions.
· Friendly - engaged students
· Students interaction
· Promoting teaching.
· Speech by Dr. Wheelan. Hands on experience during workshops

Did the conference make a difference in your attitude about teaching? Please explain!

· Yes, also I am a counselor so I think it is essential.
· To continue working with all students.
· Reminded me of why I like teaching.
· Glad to see the enthusiasm continue!

Some ideas that I can take back to my school from this conference are…

· Get as many experiences as possible. Try working as a volunteer or substitute.
· Financial aid and scholarship information.
· Better-organized activities for education majors- workshops on requirements, financial aid, praxis preparation.
· Positive calls/interactions = more attempts. Enjoy teaching.
· There is support for teachers

Rating Summary

5= Excellent - 1= Poor

Overall Conference Rating: 4.44

Small Group Presentation Ratings:

Summary of all the sessions combined
Organization- 4.8
Presenter(s)- 4.6
Materials- 4.44
Opportunities for Interaction- 4.5

Other comments…

· Great conference.
· Fine job!
· I liked the two-workshop format previously used. We arrived two hours before the conference started and a second workshop would have easily fit in. Have buses come later if you stay with only one workshop. Otherwise it is a good program.

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