Project Proposal

Clio Wired Class Project Proposal

For my class project I want to propose a web site dealing with the last active combat in the Viet Nam War, Operation Linebacker I. To be even more specific the site would be limited to surface naval operations of the coasts of the Republic of Viet Nam and the Peoples’ Democratic Republic of Viet Nam from March 31, 1972 through October 31, 1972. This web site would be of the essay/exhibit genre. As part of the larger scheme of things I envision this site as phase one of a project to research and construct a narrative of this event.

I have two reasons for choosing this time and place. The first is simply because I was there. I have memories I want to share. Second, the naval surface operations have been overlooked or dealt short shift in the narratives written so far. When this period is addressed it is either the Easter Offensive of 1972 or the air portion of Operation Linebacker (the bombing of the North) that are the focus. These were the headline makers.

What I want to do in this first phase is interact with the other veterans who were there. My plan is to attract their attention and stimulate their memories with some short essays dealing with specific actions. What I hope to solicit from visitors to the site are 1) free form recollections, similar to what is in the “Brainerd, KS” site, 2) responses to questionnaires, and 3) images from their private collections for use on this site and the follow-on phases.

Two sites that are examples of the type of project I’d be proposing are a site about the Australian cruiser HMAS Perth and another about the Battle off Samar Island. The second I find particular interesting first because it has been the project of individual of the last seven years and second because it has attracted the type of response from the veterans of that battle I hope to get.