[The bibliography on Aristeo Brito is not abundant and most critical texts are written in Spanish. Here is my list of recommended texts if you can find them in your library]

Benavides, Rosamel. "El diablo en Texas: El texto como memoria: Entrevista a Aristeo Brito." Confluencia-Revista Hispánica de Cultura y Literatura [Greeley, CO] 10.2 ( Spring 1995): 179-89.

Alarcón, Justo & Lupe Cárdenas, "Entrevista con Aristeo Brito." Confluencia-Revista Hispánica de Cultura y Literatura [Greeley, CO] 4.2 (Spring 1989):97-101.

Monahan, S.Helena, The Chicano Novel: Toward a Definition and Literary Criticism. Dissertation Abstract International [Ann Arbor, MI] 33 (1972):1175A.

Lewis, Marvin A. "El diablo en Texas: Structure and Meaning."  In Francisco Jiménez, ed.  The Identification and Analysis of Chicano Literature. Jamaica, NY: Bilingual Press, 1979: 247-252.

Tatum, Charles. "Review of El diablo en Texas, by Aristeo Brito."  World Literature Today 51.4 (Autum 1977):592-3.