The Fundación Cultural IberoamericaNA

in collaboration with
The Embassy of Argentina
and Hispanic Culture Review of George Mason University

invites you to


in celebration of

100 years of Jorge Luis Borges and his fiction

Open to all members of the Washington, D.C. community of readers
[Hispanics and non-Hispanics]

August 24, 1999
Prof. Rei Berroa, George Mason University
Borges por él mismo: Introducción al Universo Borgiano
Opening Reception: Embajada Argentina

August 31, 1999
Prof. Ellen Echeverría, George Washington University
El milagro secreto (tiempo y espacio en Borges)

Sept 7, 1999
Ario Salazar/ Cristina Iglesias
Dos visiones del Sur en Borges

Sep 14, 1999
Dr. Gladys Ilarregui, FCI
Deutsch Requiem: Human Rights vision in Jorge Luis Borges

Time and place of lecture/conversations to be announced. Stay tuned

Free and open to the public

Being this a Tertulia,
participants are expected to read and know the stories beforehand in order to join the discussions and fully participate in the exploration of Borges'' works.

For information
and to receive a package with these stories please contact:

Gladys Ilarregui at Fundación Cultural Iberoamericana: