SPAN 329: Literature and the Other Arts

Besides the texts recommended in the syllabus, I would like to give you a few other suggestions to read, view or listen at your own pace and pleasure. I hope this material will greatly contribute to your intellectual wellbeing.


Up to the XII Century

Anthony Esposito, "Dismemberment of Things Past: Fixing the Jarchas." In La Coronica: A Journal of Medieval Spanish Language & Literature. 24 [1] (Fall1995): 4-14.

Robert Felkel, "The Theme of Love in the Mozarabic jarchas and in cante flamenco." In Confluencia: Revista Hispánica de Cultura y Literatura. 4 (Fall 1988): 23-40.

Emilio García Gomez, "Las jarchas." In El comentario de textos, IV: La poesía medieval. . Madrid: Castalia, 1984. Pp.405-426.

Richard Hitchcock, "Las jarchas treinta años después."In Awraq [Madrid], 3 (1980): 19-25.

Angel Ramírez Calvente, "Jarchas, moaxajas, zéjeles." In Al-Andalus: Revista de Las Escuelas de

Estudios Arabes de Madrid y Granada. 43 (1978): 173-80.

Richard Hitchcock, "Sobre la 'mama' en las jarchas." In Journal of Hispanic Philology [Tallahassee, FL], 2 (1977): 1-9.

XIII / XIV Centuries

Peter Dronke, The Medieval Lyric.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977.

John Esten Keller, Alfonso X, El Sabio. New York: Twayne, 1967.

W.T.H. Jackson, The Interpretation of Medieval Lyric Poetry. New York: Columbia University Press, 1980.

Jonathan Saville, The Medieval Erotic Alba (Structure as Meaning). New York: Columbia University Press, 1972.

Florencio Sevilla Arroyo, "E1 cancionero de Juan Ruiz." Epos: Revista de Filología, 4 (1988): 163-181.

Curtis Carlisle Bouterse, Literacy, Orality, and the Cantigas: Toward an Ethnomusicology of Medieval Europe. Ann Arbor [I]: Dissertation Abstracts International, 1996. 57(5): 1898A.

XV Century

Maricarmen Gómez, "The Ensalada and the Origins of the Lyric Theater in Spain." In Comparative Drama [Kalamazoo, MI], 28 (Fall 1994): 367-93.

Marqués de Santillana, Serranillas, canciones y decires. Barcelona: Orbis, 1983.

Ignacio Navarrete, "The Problem of the Soneto in the Spanish Renaissance Vihuela Books." In The Sixteenth Century Journal, 23 (Winter 1992): 769-89.

Dorothy S. Severin, "Calisto and Orphic Music." Ronald E. Surtz y Nora Wenerth, eds. Creation and Recreation. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 1983. Pp. 1-5.

Edith Rogers, "Magic Music: A Self-Centered Ballad Motif." In Kentucky Romance Quarterly, 22 (1975): 263-92.

XVI Century

Bruno Damiani, "Music in La Diana of Jorge de Montemayor." In Hispanic Review [Philadelphia, PA] , 52 (1984): 435-57.

Harold Wethey, El Greco and His School. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1962.

XVII Century

José M. Díez Borque, "Teatro y fiesta en el barroco español: El auto sacramental de Calderón y el público: función del texto cantado." In Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos [Spain] , 396 (June 1983): 606-42.

Alberto Sánchez, "Don Quijote, rapsoda del romancero viejo." In James Parr, ed., On Cervantes. Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 1991. Pp. 241-262.

Melvin O. Eubanks, The Use of Music in the Dramatic Works of Tirso de Molina. Ann Arbor, MI: DAI, 1970. 0419-4217.

Alice Pollin, "Calderón's 'Falerina' and Music." In Music and Letters [Oxford], 49 (1968): 317-328.

José Ortega y Gasset, Velázquez. Madrid: Aguilar 1987.

Edward J. Sullivan and Nina A. Mallory, Painting in Spain (1650-1700). Princeton: The Art Museum, 1982.

Roger D Tinnell, (comp.), An Annotated Discography of Music in Spain before 1650. Madison, WI: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1990.

Louise K. Stein, Songs of Mortals, Dialogues of the Gods: Music and Theatre in Seventeenth Century Spain Oxford: Clarendon, 1993.

XVIII Century

John Dowling, "Words and Music: Moratín and the Musical Culture of His Age." In Modern Language Studies [Providence, RI], 14 (Spring 1984): 84-95.

D.B. Wyndham Lewis, El mundo de Goya. Madrid: Aguilar, 1970.

Fred Licht, Goya: The Origins of the Modern Temper in Art. New York: Harper and Row, 1983.

Monroe Z. Hafter, "Petronius, Mercier, and Goya's Colossus." In Eighteenth-Century Studies, 22 (Summer 1989): 529-47.

Michael Helston, Painting in Spain during the Later Eighteenth Century. London: National Gallery Publications, 1989.

XIX Century

Luis F. Vivanco, "Música celestial de Bécquer." In Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos [Madrid], 248-49 (1970): 449-71.

Gerhart Hoffmeister, "Exoticism: Granada's Alhambra in European Romanticism." In Gerhart Hoffmeister (ed.), European Romanticism: Literary Cross-Currents, Modes, and Models. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1990. Pp.113-126.

Paul Benichou, "Romancero español y romanticismo francés." In Hispanic Studies in Honor of Joseph H. Silverman, Joseph V. Ricapito, (ed.), Newark, DE: Juan de la Cuesta, 1988. Pp. 77-108.

Josefina González, "Gustavo A. Bécquer: An Intersection of Music, Image and Text in Nineteenth-Century Spain." In Yearbook of Interdisciplinary Studies in the Fine Arts. 2 (1990): 299-309.


XX Century

René de Costa, "Juan Gris and Poetry: From Illustration to Creation." In The Art Bulletin, 71 (December 1989): 674-92.

Martha L. Miller, "Music as Order in the Poetry of Jorge Guillén." In Perspectives on Contemporary Literature [Louisville, KY] , 10 (1984): 66-74.

Sixto Plaza, "Pío Baroja y su original aportación al teatro musical español." In Cuadernos de Aldeeu [Milwaukee, WI], 1 (1983): 101-107.

Fernando Varela Iglesias, "Baroja y la música." In Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos [Madrid], 385 (julio 1982): 35-54.

Nicolás Toscano, "Unamuno, pintor." In Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, 492 (junio 1991): 89-96.

Carlos Ruiz Silvia, "De Jorge Manrique a Josefina de Attard: Los poetas en la obra de Joaquín Turina." In Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, 387 (Septiembre 1982): 530-50.

Israel Rodríguez, "La música o la muerte: La metáfora emocional en las estructuras estéticas de Vicente Aleixandre." En Cuademos Hispanoamericanos [México], 352-354 (1979): 594-610.

Eugene Maio, "Tiempo de Silencio and the Aesthetics of Modern Art." In Critique [Atlanta, GA], 30 (Spring 1989): 155-62.



Miguel Mora, Juan Verdú y Enrique Morente, "Lorca y la invención del flamenco." In Revista de

Occidente [Madrid], 211 (December 1998): 211-18.

Federico García Lorca, Poema del cante jondo. [Any edition].

____________, Romancero gitano. [Any edition]

____________, Dibujos. Madrid: Herederos de García Lorca, 1987

Grace Alvarez-Altman, "Observaciones sobre la música en el mundo lorquiano." In García Lorca Review [Brockport, NY] , 5 (1977): 61-65.

Rei Berroa, "Poesía y pintura: La doble manifestación de símbolo y metáfora en García Lorca." In Cuadernos Americanos [México], 15 (mayo-junio 1989): 169-198. [An English version of this article appeared in Manuel Durán & Francesca Colecchia (eds.), Lorca's Legacy. New York: Lang, 1991. Pp. 31-49; 215-238.

Bernardo Antonio González, "Ekphrasis and Autobiography: The Case of Rafael Alberti." In Anales de la Literatura Española Contemporánea [Boulder, CO], 15 (1990): 29-49.

Christopher Maurer, "Bach and Bodas de sangre." In Lorca's Legacy. Pp. 103-114.

C.B. Morris, Surrealism and Spain (1920-1936). Cambridge: At the University Press, 1972.

Katherine Thomas, "Anda Jaleo, Jaleo:" The Flamenco Song and Dance Lineage of Federico García Lorca and La Argentinita." In UCLA Journal of Dance Ethnology. 19 (1995): 24-33.


FOLK Music of Spain

Israel J. Katz, "The Traditional Folk Music of Spain: Explorations and Perspectives." In Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council. Urbana, IL

Silvia Bermúdez, "'Music to My Ears': Cuplés, Conchita Piquer, and the (Un)Making of Cultural Nationalism." In Siglo XX/20th Century [Boulder, CO], 15 (1997): 33-54.

Veronica Almaida Mons, "Rito y ritmo: El cante jondo." In Cuadernos Hispanoamericanos, 475 (January 1990): 103-114.

William Washabaugh, Flamenco: Passion, Politics and Popular Culture. Oxford: Berg, 1996.

John Robert Redford, The Application of Spanish Folk Music in the Piano Suite 'Iberia' by Isaac Albéniz. Ann Arbor [MI]: Dissertation Abstracts International, 1994. 55(8):2205A.



Columbus and the Age of Discovery. VHS. 1991

Dalí, VHS. ND 813. D43 (60 mm)

Delacroix, VHS. 553. D33 R4 1980 (65 mm)

The Life of Leonardo, VHS. ND 623. LS L53 1990. Partes 1-5 (4 horas, 30 mm.)

Flamenco at 5:15, VHS. GV 1796. FSS (30 mm)

Barber of Seville, VDisc. M 1500. R86 B234 1988 (142 mm)

Bodas de sangre/Blood Wedding. VHS. 1986.

1492: A Portrait in Music, VHS. 1992.

Karl Orff, Carmina Burana, CD. 1975. M 1627. C3

Emmanuel Chabrier, España. 1984. M l000 .C47 E8

Miles Davis, Sketches of Spain 1959-60 [CK 40578]

Granados and Albéniz. Julian Bream Plays Granados and Albéniz, CD. 1983 M 126 .B7 J8

Enrique Granados, Goyescas. Alicia de Larrocha. CD 1984. M 24 .G764 G6

Canciones y danzas de España, CD. Hesperion XX. 1977. M 1779 .H48 C36.

Spanish and Mexican Renaissance Vocal Music, CD. 1991. M 1579 .HS S6.

Lope de Vega, Intermedios del Barroco Hispánico. CD. Hesperion XX. 1991 M 1613.3 .L66

Mozart. Don Giovanni, CD. 1972. M 1500. M84 C6.


Roland Barthes, Image, Music, Text. New York: Hill and Wang, 1977.

Jackson Barry, Art, Culture, and the Semiotics of Meaning: Culture's Changing Signs of Life in Poetry, Drama, Painting, and Sculpture. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1999.

Christopher Janaway, "Plato's Analogy between Painter and Poet." In The British Journal of Aesthetics, 31 (Jan. 1991) : 1-12.

José Ortega y Gassett, La deshumanización del arte. Madrid: Revista de Occidente, 1925.

Floyd Merrell, Simplicity and complexity : pondering literature, science, and painting. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1998.

Novalis, Fragmentos. México: Juan Pablos Editor, 1984. [Specifically pages 36-40; 49-50; 82; 92; 96; 105; 131.]

Etienne Souriau, La correspondencia de las artes. México: Fondo de Cultura, 1979.

Marcel Proust, On Art and Literature. New York: Meridian Books, 1958. [Of particular interest are Proust's literary portraits of several painters: Watteau, Chardin, Rembrandt, Moreau, Monet, among others. (See pages 319-361.)]

Robert Herbert, Ed., Modern Artists on Art. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1964. [Offers a wealth of painters' ideas on their craft.]

Friedrich Nietzsche, "The Case of Wagner: A Musician's Problem." In On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo. New York: Vintage, 1969. See pages 317-325. [Nietzsche, the first philosopher of modernity, constantly voiced his opinion on Wagner's music and even composed a few musical works, some of which are at Fenwick.]

_______________, Spanish Painting of the Fifteenth through the Nineteenth Centuries. Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1990.

Jonathan Brown, The Golden Age of Painting in Spain. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991.

Claire Farago, "On Leonardo Da Vinci's Defense of Painting against Poetry and Music and the Grounding of Aesthetic Experience." In Italian Culture, 9 (1991): 53-70.

Constance Hassett, "Esthetic Autonomy in the Sister Arts: The Brotherly Project of Rossett and Morris." In Mosaic [Winnipeg, Man] 25 (Fall 1992): 49-62.

Guillermo Díaz Plaja, Cuestión de límites: Cuatro ejemplos de estéticas fronterizas. Madrid: Revista de Occidente, 1963. [This work has four comparative chapters on Cervantes, Velázquez, Goya and cinema.]

Wendy Steiner, The Colors of Rhetoric: Problems in the Relation between Modern Literature and Painting. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.

Paul Klee, The Diaries of Paul Klee. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1968.

Northrop Frye, Fearful Symmetry: A Study of William Blake. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1947.

Antonina Rodrigo, Lorca / Dalí: Una amistad traicionada. Barcelona: Planeta, 1981.

C.M. Bowra, Primitive Song. Cleveland, OH: World Pub. Co., 1962. [The Spanish version of this text: Poesía y canto primitivo is also available (Barcelona: Antoni Bosch, 1962.)

Roman Jakobson, "Sobre el arte verbal de los poetas pintores Blake, Rousseau y Klee." In Ensayos de poética. Madrid: Fondo de Cultura, 1977. [This article first appeared in the first issue of Linguistic Inquiry, I (1970): 3-23.]

Francisco J. Cabrera, ¿Qué es la pintura? México: Editorial Libros de México, 1986.