Pearse Swail
Welcome to my website, which aims to showcase some basic projects, professional and personal, that I've worked on.
I am currently a student at George Mason University, pursuing a BS in Electrical Engineering as part of the Volgenau School of Engineering.
Github Account:
Pearse's Github
Github Repositories:
ECE499Assignment1 Includes STL file using Autodesk Fusion 360, and a basic Python program.
ECE499Assignment2 Includes source code and pictures of 3D printing projects.
ECE499 Maze Robot Includes source code and all STL files.
ECE499 Drawing Robot Includes source code and related files. In progress...
ECE499 Guitar Mute Includes source code and STL files.
YouTube Channel:
Pearse's YouTube
3D Initials - STL File
Python Hello Robot Script
Scaling and 3D Printing with MakerBot
Wall follower robot through a maze
Robot arm drawing a picture (in progress)
Guitar Mute robot