Confronting Global Gender Justice: Human Rights, Women's Lives, November 2010
Transatlantic Passages: Literary and Cultural Relations between Quebec and Francophone Europe, October 2010
Publicity Flyer and Table of Contents
Travel Photos: India, 2004-2005
Travel Photos: Papua New Guinea, 2008
Travel Photos: Laos, Yunnan Province, China, Bangkok, 2010
Study Abroad Programs
Paris, Summer 2005: Flyer
Center for Global Education SUMMER Paris Site
Paris, Spring Semester 2006: Flyer
Center for Global Education SEMESTER Paris Site;
Photos of Students from Paris Program, Spring 2006
Paris, Spring Semester 2007: Flyer
Center for Global Education SEMESTER Paris Site
Paris, Summer 2009: Flyer
Center for Global Education SUMMER Paris Site
Courses: Syllabi, Handouts, and Reader
Spring 2011 FREN 329 Nineteenth-Century Paris
WMST 300/ENG 369/NCLC 375 Stories of Gender and Human Rights
Fall 2010 FREN 432/519 Symbolism and the Arts:
Qu'est-ce que le symbolisme.docx
WMST 300-004/ENG 369-001/NCLC 375-006 Women Who Kill:
Spring 2010 NCLC 310-001/WMST 300-003 Violence and Gender (6 credits)
Fall 2009 FREN452/550-002 Quebec Women Writers:
WMST 300-003/ENG 369-001 Stories of Gender and Human Rights:
Spring 2009
FREN 480 Special Topics:
Nineteenth-Century French Novel/FREN
Studies in Nineteenth-
Century French Novel
Les Gouvernements au XIXe siècle
Les Grandes Lignes du XIXe siècle
La Littérature française du XIXe siècle--le roman
WMST 200 Introduction to Women and Gender Studies
Spring 2008
FREN 480
Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature: Nineteenth-Century France and
through Film and Opera/FREN
519: Special Topics: Nineteenth-Century France and Paris
through Film and Opera
WMST 300-004/FREN 325 New World Francophone Writers in Translation
Fall 2007
FREN 452 French-Canadian
Literature: Gabrielle Roy/FREN 550
Special Topics:
Québécois Literature: Gabrielle Roy
WMST 300-002 Women Who Kill
Spring 2007 FLLN 330/HIST 388/ENG 360/ARTH 399/FREN
480/FREN 519/FLLT 367
(University of Delaware) Nineteenth-Century Paris (taught
in Paris)
Fall 2006
WMST 200-001
Introduction to Women's Studies
FREN 432/FREN 519 Nineteenth-Century Literature, 1850-1900: Le Symbolisme
Qu'est ce que le symbolisme.doc
Spring 2006
FLLN 330/HIST 388/ENG 360/ARTH 399/FREN
480/FREN 519/FLLT 367
(University of Delaware) Nineteenth-Century Paris (taught
in Paris)
Fall 2005 FREN 370-001 French Civilization, Culture and Literature to 1879
Spring 2005 NCLC 310 Violence and Gender
Fall 2004 FREN 480-001 Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature: Paris/
FREN 519-001 Special Topics: Paris
Les Gouvernements au dix-neuvième siècle
WMST 200-001 Introduction to Women's Studies
Spring 2004 FREN 452-001 French-Canadian Literature
FREN 525-001 Les Femmes et la violence:
Les Femmes violentes dans la
littérature québécoise des femmes
Fall 2003
FREN 329-001/WMST
300-007 Francophone Women Writers of North America
WMST 200-001 Introduction to Women's Studies
Spring 2003 NCC 310-001 Violence and Gender
Violence and Gender: An Interdisciplinary Reader