
Green Computing

Home 2. History 3. Methodologies and Benefits 4. Barriers to Implementation 5. Conclusion 6. References

Green computing, also known as Green IT, is the study and practice of environmentally responsible use of information technology. It involves such practices as:

Every successful company, composed of various functional departments, must attract and retain capable employees, comply with legislation and regulations, and satisfy shareholders. To attract customers, in order to generate more revenue and increase profits, companies must reduce costs and produce better, more desirable products and services. In addition to these quantitative measures, it is also increasingly necessary for commercial endeavors to pay attention to public relations, and to demonstrate social responsibility (Feretic, 2010).

Green computing is a relevant approach that an information technology department can use to contribute to the strategic and tactical corporate objectives.Green IT can contribute significant benefits to the environment, a company, and its employees, however there are barriers that must be overcome by any organization that wishes to implement it.