Names:  Hephaestus; Lat. Vulcan; Mulciber. 
Epithets:  Strong-handed.
Powers:  Smith; crafts. Occasionally, clown for the sake of peace between Zeus and Hera.
Attributes and symbols:  Hammer; fire; crucibles. 
Gifts to mortals:  Metalcraft; Pandora and her box. 
Origin:  Hera, to score with Zeus' giving birth to Athena, parthenogenically conceived Hephaestusand hurled him from Olympus in dismay for his weakling appearance. 
He remained lame from this fall. 
Loves:  Aphrodite; Grace  Aglaea; once pursued his pal and colleague Athena; et al. 
Spouse:  Aphrodite (or one of the Graces). 
Children:   Erichtonius (a snake-foot baby, conceived by Ge, while Hephaestus was chasing Athena); Palaemon; Periphetes (all his sons are lame). 
Chosen people/ places:  Keeps workshops on the islands: Lemnos; Sicily. 
Pageant:  Cyclopes (helpers in the smithy). 
Allies/ favorites:   Prometheus; Athena; Thetis (cared for the rejected baby-Hephaestus; he owed her a favor). 
Adversaries:  Ares (lover of his wife); River Scamander in the Iliad. 
Victims:  A rather peaceful god. He caught in chains his mother Hera, to avenge his neglect; 
later, ensnared Aphrodite and Ares in bed - all were released after proper humiliation. 
Notes:   Hephaestus benefits the Olympians in many ways: he provides them with material 
  goods, and relieves the tension at divine feasts by playing a clown and making gods 
 laugh ("Homeric laughter'). 
Hephaestus has the traits of the demiurge-trickster, god-creator of primitive mythologies.