Names: Apollo; Phoebus; Paean; Loxias.
Epithets: Far-shooting; Long-haired; Wolf-killer; Street-guard. Lat., Augur (Seer).
Powers: Prophecy; poetry; music; medicine.
Attributes and symbols: Bow and arrows; lyre; Delphic tripod; the omphalos - sacred stone of Delphi; laurel; raven; wolf.
Gifts to mortals: Oracles; poetic inspiration; medical arts.
Origin: Son of Zeus & Leto, twin of Artemis. Jealous Hera forbade all the lands to accomodate Leto in labor, and the pregnant goddess wandered until  the newly-formed island Delos  allowed her delivery.
Loves: Daphne (=Laurel); Cassandra; Lat., Sibyl; Hyacinthus; Cyrene; Coronis; Marpessa, et al.
Spouse: ---
Children: Asclepius (by Coronis); Orpheus (by the Muse Calliope); Aristeus (by Cyrene), et al.
Chosen people/ places: Hyperboreans (Far North). Delphi; Delos.
Pageant: 9 Muses.
Allies/ favorites:  Hermes; Pan; Trojans; Admetus; Orestes.
Adversaries: Heracles (fought with Apollo about the tripod); Tityos (attempted to rape Leto); Idas (successful rival for Marpessa).
Victims: Daphne (turned into a laurel-tree); Cassandra (no one believed her); Hyacinth; children of Niobe; Achilles; Cyclopes - smiths; Marsyas (flayed alive); Oedipus (destroyed by the oracle).
Notes: Shamanistic god? - Poet/ musician - physician - prophet; inspiration as ecstatic possession by the spirit (which the chosen medium resists - hence his unrequited loves); Delphic sanctuary = center of the universe. 
The god of irony and tragedy.